Saturday, November 2, 2019

Environmental Disasters

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A lie doesn't become truth, wrong doesn't become right, and evil doesn't become good, just because it's accepted by a majority. ~Booker T. Washington

Here's a list of the worst environmental disasters in recorded history.

Guess what? The earth is still here. The human race is still here. Plants and animals are still here. The sun still raises and sets every day. The four seasons still change right on time every year.

"The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness,The world and those who dwell therein".  ~ Psalm 24:1

Know why? Because the Creator-God is still in charge. Can mankind be better stewards of the environment? Absolutely! It's our duty. But God will not allow the earth to be destroyed by puny man.

So-called "climate change" is just another attempt by the enemies of God to plunder the people of the world. Do not allow the Chicken Little Syndrome (A children’s fable about a young chick who, in the traditional version, believes the sky is falling after an acorn hits her head) to weaken your faith in God's love, wisdom, and mercy. Read His letter to you.
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