Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Bible Months vs Pagan Months

Vector diagram illustrating Earth seasons. equinoxes and solstices

Exodus 12:2 says this is the beginning of months, but does not name the month. We learn from other scriptures that it is the month of Abib which is the first biblical month and begins with the vernal equinox.

God created the equinoxes and solstices to mark the four seasons of the year. Man-made calendars are totally in error. Organized religion has strayed so far from the Bible they don't even know how to make an accurate calendar.


When Did January 1 Become the First Day of the Year?

When Julius Caesar became dictator of Rome in 46 B.C., he sought advice from astronomers and mathematician Sosigenes to make up a new calendar based on the sun. By 45 B.C., the new Julian calendar was created, and the civil year in Rome officially changed from March 21 to January 1. The calendar, and the month of July, were both named after Julius Caesar.

The Gregorian calendar used in most parts of the world today went into effect in October 1582 following the papal bull Inter gravissimas issued by Pope Gregory XIII, which introduced it as a modification of, and replacement for, the Julian calendar.  The papal bull Inter gravissimas (“In the gravest concern”) was issued on February 24, 1582. First, in order to bring the vernal equinox back to March 21. Neither Julius Caesar's nor Pope Gregory's calendars are Biblical based.

The Months God Gave Mankind. There is no Mention of a 13th Month or a "leap year."

First Month:  Abib/Aviv, also called Nisan in two scriptures... Nehemiah 2:1 & Esther 3:7  Corresponds to March (named after Mars, the Roman god of war)

Second Month: Ziv. referred to as Iyyar, but not mentioned in the Bible by that name. 1Kings 6:1  Corresponds to April  (AprÄ«lis, the Greek goddess of love and beauty)

Third Month: Sivan  Corresponds to May (named for the Greek goddess Maia)

Fourth Month: Tammuz  Corresponds to June  (comes from the the Latin Iunius, “of Juno (Iuno),” referring to the Roman goddess)

Fifth Month: Av  Corresponds to July (named after Julius Caesar)

Sixth Month: Elul  Corresponds to August  (In 8 B.C. the Roman Senate honored Augustus Caesar, the first Roman emperor, by changing the name of their month Sextilis to Augustus)

Seventh Month: Eitanim/Tishri  Corresponds to September (from the Latin September, meaning “seventh month.”)

Eight Month: Bul  Corresponds to October  (The "eighth" month in the old calendar)

Ninth Month: Kislev  Corresponds to November (November derives from the Latin root novem- meaning “nine,”)

Tenth Month: Tevet  Corresponds to December  (Old English December, from Latin, from decem "ten")

Eleventh Month: Shevat  Corresponds to January  (Named for the Roman god Janus)

Twelfth Month: Adar  Corresponds to February  (named after an ancient Roman festival of purification called Februa)

“Blessed be the name of Yahweh forever and ever, For wisdom and might are His. And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise And knowledge to those who have understanding. He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, And light dwells with Him.  ~ Daniel 2:20-22

God's Appointed Times

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