Saturday, April 15, 2023

Eve and The Serpent



What Really Happened in the Garden of Eden?

Contrary to Churchanity doctrines, Adam and Eve are not the progenitors of the whole human race. If you believe that Adam and Eve were the first humans, you need to re-read Genesis 1 and 2. There were other races (the Bible refers to race as "families of man") on the earth long before Adam arrived. We know that Cain took a wife from the land of Nod. ~ Genesis 4:15-17
Adam was not just a man, he was The Man through whom Jesus Christ would come. Jesus was born as a human being, was tempted in all points as we are, suffered and died, and rose from the dead. Jesus set a pattern for man to follow. Jesus KNOWS exactly how you think, feel, and act. He's been there, done that. Jesus paid man's sin debt in full, once and for all. Jesus is the only person qualified to give you advice. Listen to Him!

There is more to the "snake in the grass" and his conversations with Eve... much more. This snake called Nachash shows up one day while Adam was tending the garden. He engages Eve in a conversation about what God had said concerning the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. 
Eve knew very well what God had said. Just like we know very well what God says... but like Eve we don't believe it because we have not experienced it.   
Satan, disguised as this crafty, subtle, bright, very intelligent person placed the thought in Eve's mind that she was missing out on something... that God was holding back vital information. 
 As a noun, nachash means serpent.
 As a verb, nachash means a diviner of secret knowledge.
 As an adjective, nachash means a shining man - not a talking snake. 
Shining man in the sense of a bright, highly intelligent being. The Bible describes Nachash as more cunning that any other creature... making use of clever and indirect methods to achieve something.
After Eve was seduced by Nachach she told her husband, Adam, and their lives changed dramatically. Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. 
Adam loved Eve so much he was not willing to abandon her and took her punishment on himself... similar to what Christ did for all mankind. However, Adam used a very poor choice of words when replying to God about the situation. ~ Genesis 3:12
Eve blamed the serpent and Adam blamed God. Mankind never likes to take responsibility for disobedience. It's easier to blame others and then complain about the mess they brought on themselves.
“And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.” ~ Genesis 3:7

If Eve sinned by simply eating an "apple", why were Adam and Eve ashamed to be naked and covered their private parts? Of course I can't prove this scenario from Scripture alone. I think God is too modest to speak bluntly about sex. He left it up the us to read between the lines and figure it out. God wants us to concentrate on the consequences of disobedience, not on the sin Eve committed.

Who is Cain's biological father? Were Cain and Abel actually fraternal twins? Fraternal twins (also called dizygotic twins) result from the fertilization of two separate eggs with two different sperm during the same pregnancy. If Adam truly was the father of Cain, why is Cain's name missing from the genealogy of Adam? 1 Chronicles 1 and Luke 3:38

Does the seed of the "serpent" have living descendants on earth today? Why did Jesus call Judas a devil? ~ John 6:70-71. Was Jesus making reference to Cain in John 8:44?
In Matthew 3:7; 12:34; 23:33 and Luke 3:7, Jesus calls the Scribes, Pharisees, and Sadducees "serpents and brood of vipers." Why would Jesus say this if it was not true? We can see why the high and mighty self righteous religious leaders hated Jesus. He did not show them proper respect. Jesus must be put to death for this grievous offense.

When Eve sinned by eating the "Forbidden Fruit," she broke covenant with God. Worse than that, in breaking the covenant with God, she formed a covenant with the serpent, i.e. Satan. Because of Adam's love for Eve, he left the garden with her.

The covenant between Adam, Eve, and the serpent is not just Adam and Eve. All those who break covenant with God make a covenant with "the Adversary"... that serpent of old called the devil and Satan. ~ Revelation 20:1-3

Jesus never broke covenant with his Father, but when He took the sins of the whole world on Himself it was so horrible that He felt abandoned by His Father ~ Matthew 27:46
Be very careful what doctrines you ingest. There are serious consequences for eating poisoned fruit.

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  ~ 2 Timothy 2:15

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