Wednesday, November 7, 2007

War Is A Racket... Part 1


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“Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear - kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor - with the cry of grave national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil at home or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it by furnishing the exorbitant funds demanded. Yet, in retrospect, these disasters seem never to have happened, seem never to have been quite real.” ―Douglas MacArthur

In 1957. As quoted in "Merchants of Fear: Why They Want Us to Be Afraid", Christopher Catherwood, Joseph DiVanna, Globe Pequot, 2008,

War is a racket. Very few wars are fought for ‘freedom’ or to ’spread democracy’. And if you think democracy is something fine and good, you have been brainwashed, programmed, and indoctrinated, with ANTI-AMERICAN propaganda. If you think it’s good that American and British lives and property are being used to spread democracy, your ancestors are spinning in their graves. For the full story, read my blog, Why Americans Have No Rights.

Wars are fought for profit… someone, or some corporation, makes a lot of money selling weapons to both sides, and controling the assets of the targeted ‘enemy’. Most people get along just fine until a criminal element in and out of government decide to go to war. These warmongers know that people will not support a war for territory or natural resources. Here’s how the scam works. First, they covet something the other country has that they want to control. If they can’t make a deal with that country, they buy some politicians (and they’re a dime a dozen) to start a propaganda campaign against that country. Does “Gulf War I” ring a bell? After they drum up enough support they provoke, or create, an incident to make the people angry enough to fight.

The Twin Towers Story

It worked in Spanish American War... “Remember the Maine”, WWI was billed as the "war to end all wars", WW II… “Pearl Harbor”, and it worked again, September 11, 2001… the “9/11″ tragedy. If one will recall, the United States and Great Britain supported Saddam in the Iraq/Iran War for eight years. In return for that support, they expected Saddam to sell control of Iraqi oil fields to Standard oil and British Petroleum. When Saddam reneged on the deal, he became enemy number one. Then the criminal element in government made sure the people would support a “War on Terror” with an ”attack”, and the ‘bought’ politicians invaded Iraq and Afghanistan… where it just so happens Big Oil wants to build an oil pipe line to a seaport in Iraq.

The United States, and its British ally, has been fighting this “War on Terror” for longer than it took to win WW II… with no peaceful end in sight. The world is a much more dangerous place, but the warmongers and their friends are much richer. Saddam is dead, and dead men tell no tales. The designated ‘boogey-man’, Bin Laden, is probably a CIA spook and living large somewhere on the French riveria. He shows up just long enough to make another propaganda video. The government hasn’t made any progress in locating this “terrorist”, have they? Why is that? Typically, when someone commits a crime and the government wants to prove the fact, an indictment is written up, evidence is presented and the alleged perpetrator is formally charged with a crime.

Fast forward to the year 2011, Ben Laden was supposedly killed in a super secret raid by Navy Seals. Now the warmongers have a new boogy-man...the beat goes on.

The Bush gangsters have jailed and tortured thousands, invaded Afghanistan, and destroyed Iraqi society resulting in the deaths of over 600,000 civilians since 2003 - but they still have not gotten around to indicting or even formally seeking Osama bin Laden's arrest in connection with the 9/11 attacks.

The "War on Terror" is a cash-cow for contractors.

And, now if anyone exposes these warmongers, they become a target, or they are called "nut cases".

War Is A Racket... Part 2

Source: Documented in the book, War Is A Racket, by Major General Smedley D. Butler, USMC [Retired]

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