Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Crime in America

Image result for government crime images
Dad to son, "I suggest government. They never go to jail."
The same government that allows the Bible to be read in prisons forbids it in schools. There's a very good reason for government duplicity.... crime pays!

Together, these systems hold over 1.9 million people in 1,566 state prisons, 98 federal prisons, 3,116 local jails, 1,323 juvenile correctional facilities, 142 immigration detention facilities, and 80 Indian country jails, as well as in military prisons, civil commitment centers, state psychiatric hospitals.

How many unsolved murders in the US in 2020? There are  more than 200,000 unsolved homicides in the United States as of 2020, and that number rises by around 6,000 every year.

The United States leads the world in total number of people incarcerated. Why so much crime in America? There are seven groups that love crime, terrorism, and lawlessness.

1. The criminal element in U.S. Federal and State government... one of the largest crime syndicates in the world along with all their "alphabet" agencies and the military industrial complex.

2. Corrupt Governors, Mayors, and Police Commissioners

3. Corrupt District Attorneys

4. The prison industry

5. The Court system

6. The Fake News Media loves to give criminals free publicity. And they keep "reporting" ad nausea.

7. Organized Religion. Christianity has been hi-jacked by organized religion. Wolves in Sheep's clothing stand in their 501(c)3 pulpits and lie about the Law of God being "put away". Sin is the transgression of God's Law. Crime is the transgression of man's laws. Organized religion depends on sinners just as the Group of 6 depends on criminals. 

These groups get wealth and power from criminal activity. Their pay check depends on crime. They pass bogus laws to make lawful activity "illegal". They have no intention of stopping, let alone controlling, real crimes. Crime pays them too well. The judicial system is out of control. We live in a world of legal and illegal, NOT right and wrong. Criminals are given more rights (and respect) than their victims.

And when the men and women in uniform, and the cop on the street does his/her job too well, the G7 stir up trouble... not only in America, but all over the world.
Tolerance of Evil is Not a Christian Virtue

How to reduce crime. The solution is simple. 1) Swiftly execute murderers, rapists, and kidnappers, 2) Thieves make restitution + 20% for Court costs, 3) Repeat offenders exiled to a deserted island, remove criminals from society, 4) hold ALL public servants to their oath of office.

When a person is wrongly convicted, the accuser, the prosecutor, and judge should serve the same sentence they imposed on the innocent person.

America needs criminal control - NOT gun control.