Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Tribute To A Great American

In Honor of MLK Day
A Tribute to Dr. Mildred Jefferson, A Great American.

Mildred Fay Jefferson, M.D..jpg

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr taught America that love and peace are always better than hate and violence.

Americans can be divided on politics and religion, but there is no place for hatred. We can disagree without being disagreeable. ALL Americans are entitled to RESPECT.

All citizens of the United States, whether natural born or naturalized by Law, are Americans - not hyphenated Americans.

People who enter America illegally are not entitled to any benefits until they obey the emigration laws. Then they will have earned respect and are welcomed to America.

Disrespect for the Law, especially by Federal, State, and City officials, encourages more criminal activity. Law breakers are criminals, and America has enough criminals without importing more.

Learn more About Dr. Jefferson