Monday, October 31, 2022

Works or Obedience?


Timothy Keller Quote: “How Religion Works: If I obey, then God will love  and accept me. The Gospel: I'm loved and accepted, therefore I wish to...”

There seems to be a lot of confusion among Church folks about the difference between works and obedience. Let's look at what the Bible has to say about it.

In the Old Testament, the prophet Samuel wrote: "Behold, to obey (God) is better than sacrifice, And to heed (God's instructions) than the fat of rams." ~ 1 Samuel 15:22

In the New Testament, Paul wrote to the Ephesians "not by works lest any man should boast." ~ Ephesians 2:8-9

Then James says: "But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead"? ~ James 2:20
John wrote this: And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. ~ Revelation 20:12

Are Paul, James, and John making contradictory statements?  Not at all. Paul is saying don't pretend to be a goodie two shoes to make brownie points with God or to make yourself look good to man. Remember what Jesus said in Matthew 6:5
James Expands on Faith

What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble! But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead? Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect? And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.” And he was called the friend of God. You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only. ~ James 2:14-24


If you have faith God will save you, then obey Him. The Holy Spirit is given to those who obey God. [Acts 5:32] Although salvation is a free gift, we must still work it out by obedience. ~Philippians 2:12


An example of works and obedience is the story of Noah. If Noah had said, I have faith God will save me, but did not work to build the Ark, he would have drowned. 


The bottom line: If God says do a certain thing, try to do it as best you can. If God says not to do something, make a conscious effort not to do it. A servant obeys his master because he is forced to. A Son obeys his Father because he loves Him and wants to please Him.

Renew Your Strength Bible Lesson. Bible Quiz...


The purpose of this post is to get people to think about what they believe and why they believe it, not debate who's right or wrong. To learn the revealed truth of God we must know and understand the true meaning of the words God inspired to be written. Use Strong's Concordance to check the original word before it was translated. Do your own research, make up your own mind, rely on the Holy Spirit to guide you.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Bible Quiz


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To answer this Bible Quiz, please give the Scripture reference only - no opinions or what your Church teaches. These doctrines are taught in Christian Churches so they must be in the Bible, right? 
Give only the chapter and verse for your answer, or answer "none"
1. Abraham was a Jew...  Scripture reference
2. The first time the word "Jew/Jews" appears in the Bible...  Scripture reference
3. The Office of Pope, Fathers and Nuns... Scripture reference
4. Purgatory/Immortal soul?*... Scripture reference
5. The Jews return to Palestine and rename it, Israel... Scripture reference
6. The Law of God was nailed to the cross... Scripture reference
7. Easter sunrise service... Scripture reference
8. How many times does the word "rapture" appear in the Bible?... Scripture reference
9. At death we immediately go to either heaven or hell...  Scripture reference
10. The birth of Jesus is a commanded celebration... Scripture reference
* Have you believed a lie? Has your pastor said the 'saved' go to heaven, and the 'lost' go to hell? What really happens at death? Read God's Great Plan

Bonus Question: An epistle is the wife of an apostle. True or False

Total your Score: if you answered 10 out of 10 correctly, that means you actually took the time to look up the Scripture reference. If you answered the Bonus Question as True, you still have more study to do.

What can we learn from following the teaching of Jesus? Jesus taught us how to live and treat others. Jesus is the greatest teacher who ever lived. Not only does Jesus teach us how to live a happy earthly life, but shows us how to gain entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven. Christianity is not just a religion, it's a secret passage to eternal life.
Since Tyndale's English translation in 1526, translators and publishers have created approximately 900 different English Bibles, making it hard to know what God really said.

Example: Psalm 12:6-7

Geneva 1599: The words of the Lord are pure words, as the silver, tried in a furnace of earth, fined sevenfold. Thou wilt keep them, O Lord; thou wilt preserve him from this generation forever.
What does "him" refer back to?

KJV 1611: The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.
"Them" refers back to the words of the Lord.

NIV 1978: And the words of the Lord are flawless, like silver purified in a crucible, like gold refined seven times. You, Lord, will keep the needy safe and will protect us forever from the wicked.

Notice all the word changes of the NIV version. Why did the publishers change so many words?  Answer: Publishers cannot get a copyright (and make more money) unless at least 10% of the words are different from the original.

No need to fret over which Bible translation to choose, simply go to Strong's Concordance and see what the original word God inspired to be written. Do not blindly trust ANY translation of the Bible. Always check the original Hebrew and Greek words to get the true meaning and intend.
The purpose of this quiz is to get people to think about what they believe and why they believe it, not debate who's right or wrong. To learn the revealed truth of God we must know and understand the true meaning of the words God inspired to be written. Use Strong's Concordance to check the original word before it was translated. Do your own research, make up your own mind, rely on the Holy Spirit to guide you.
If you desire God’s truth more than your own life, and are willing to challenge all that you know, then take up your sword and fly into SonPlacing - A Handbook For Warriors. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022



Wedding rings

Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge. ~ Hebrews 13:4

Men stop dishonoring your girlfriend. Save the marriage privileges for after the vows.
Love and Lust are both four letter words that begin with "L". Love leads to heaven, Lust leads to hell. Love is a choice that only wants the best for yourself and the one you love. Lust is a selfish emotion that always leads to unhappiness and destructive behavior.
Take God's Advice 

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. 

So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church. For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones. “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” 

This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband. ~ Ephesians 5:25-33

Women stop being a wife to your boyfriend. Moving in together, sharing bills and leases, sleeping together and even intentionally having kids together prior to marriage blurs the line between a husband and boyfriend and can ruin ones chances at a healthy relationship - before it's even begun. 

Not only is marriage a sacrament to be nurtured and honored, but it also serves as contract between the woman and man for their protection, as well as for the children. Couples that cohabitate prior to marriage have a significantly higher likelihood of divorce later in life.

Men and women have never liked this message, but it needs to be taught in every home and Church.
Will God forgive living together before marriage? God is a forgiving God, and will forgive you if you're already living together before marriage and want to make things right. No sin is too big for God to redeem, and He promises to forgive our sins when we repent and confess our sins. As Jesus told the woman caught in adultery, "Go and sin no more." ~ John 8:11

Everything a man gives a woman she will multiply it

1. Give her romance and she will give you love. 
2. Give her love and she will give you her heart.

3. Give her a house and she will give you a home.

4. Give her groceries and she will give you a meal.

5. Give her sperm and she will give you children.
6. Give her security, both emotional and financial, and she will give you admiration and respect.

The man who finds a wife finds a good thing; she is a blessing to him from the Lord. ~ Proverbs 18:22
You are cordially invited to join Renew Your Strength Bible Study Group 

The purpose of this post is to get people to think about what they believe and why they believe it, not debate who's right or wrong. To learn the revealed truth of God we must know and understand the true meaning of the words God inspired to be written. Use Strong's Concordance to check the original word before it was translated. Do your own research, make up your own mind, rely on the Holy Spirit to guide you.

Cows Don't Give Milk


Milk cow Stock Photos, Royalty Free Milk cow Images ...

This is a lesson all parents should teach their children.


A father said to his children when they were young: "When you all reach the age of 12 I will tell you the secret of life." One day when the oldest turned 12, he anxiously asked his father what was the secret of life. The father replied that he was going to tell him, but that he should not reveal it to his brother and sister.

The secret of life is this: The cow does not give milk. "What are you saying?", asked the boy incredulously. "As you hear it, son: Cows do not give milk, you have to milk the cow. You have to get up at 4 in the morning, go to the field, walk through the corral full of manure, tie the tail, hobble the legs of the cow, sit on the stool, place the bucket and do the work yourself."

That is the secret of life, the cow does not give milk. You milk her or you don't get milk. There is a generation that thinks cows GIVE milk. They think things should be automatic and free: their mentality is that if "I wish, I demand... I obtain."

"They have been accustomed to getting whatever they want the easy way. But no, life is not a matter of wishing, begging, and obtaining. The things that one receives are the effort of what one does. Happiness is the result of personal effort. Lack of effort creates frustration, dissatisfaction, and poverty"

So, share with your children from a young age the secret of life, so they don't grow up with an entitlement mentality that the government, their parents, or their cute little faces is going to give them everything they need in life.

Remember..."Cows don't give milk; you have to work for it."

"But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." ~ 1 Timothy 5:8

You are cordially invited to join Renew Your Strength Bible Study Group
The purpose of this post is to get people to think about what they believe and why they believe it, not debate who's right or wrong. To learn the revealed truth of God we must know and understand the true meaning of the words God inspired to be written. Use Strong's Concordance to check the original word before it was translated. Do your own research, make up your own mind, rely on the Holy Spirit to guide you.

Friday, October 21, 2022

Mysteries Decoded


Mysteries Decoded - Rotten Tomatoes

Centuries before Christ was born, Isaiah prophesied that God would send a deliverer who would liberate mankind. Jesus himself stood in a Jewish synagogue one Sabbath and reminded the world of this prophecy. “And when he had opened the book, [Jesus] found the place where it was written [by Isaiah], ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed.’ …Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing” (Luke 4:17-21, NKJV).

“And when he had opened the book, [Jesus] found the place where it was written [by Isaiah], ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach the gospel (Good News) to the poor (with spiritual understanding); he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted (put a new spirit within you), to proclaim liberty to the captives (of sin) and recovery of sight to the blind, (spiritual blindness) to set at liberty those who are oppressed.’ (by trials, temptations, and death)

If Jesus came to preach the Good News, why would He say this?... And He [Jesus] said, “To you it has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to the rest it is given in parables, that ‘Seeing they may not see, And hearing they may not understand.’ ~ Luke 8:10 
Jesus did not say it is impossible to understand, only they "may not understand." He only opens the eyes of the spiritually blind when they are ready to receive His revelation and act upon it.

Today many Christians struggle to understand the deeper spiritual message that Jesus taught. When we have eyes to see and ears to hear then we will begin to understand the "mysteries." The key to decoding the mysteries is that the Bible is written from two points of view... physical and spiritual. Example: The Old Testament is about the first Adam (physical), the New Testament is about the last Adam (spiritual). ~ 1 Corinthians 15:45
The whole universe comes in "twos"... day and night, positive and negative, revealed and unrevealed. There were two trees in the Garden of Eden. The tree of Life and the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. ~ Genesis 2:9.  Good and Evil are twins, both were on the Tree of Knowledge, And both "good and evil" are necessary for the perfecting of spiritual children of God. For a better understanding of God's love and His purpose for creating evil, read The Love of God

The mystery of the resurrection from physical death to spirit life is not preached in most Churches. Instead, babes in Christ unskilled in the Word are taught that people go directly to heaven or hell at death. The transformation from physical life to spirit life is a process best illustrated by the caterpillar turning into a butterfly. 
Churchanity likes to preach smooth things that tickle the ears. It is comforting to think Mama is in heaven instead of in the grave awaiting the resurrection. John stated: "No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven."  ~ John 3:13

Heaven is God's throne, not a place for "saved sinners" to live in mansions on streets of gold. The word mansion simply means an abode or dwelling. Decoded, the message becomes clear: "In My Father’s house (family of God) are many mansions (places of abode); if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you (in My Father's household)." ~ John 14:2
So, what does the Bible say about death and eternity? Read God's Great Plan

You are cordially invited to join Renew Your Strength Bible Study Group
The purpose of this post is to get people to think about what they believe and why they believe it, not debate who's right or wrong. To learn the revealed truth of God we must know and understand the true meaning of the words God inspired to be written. Use Strong's Concordance to check the original word before it was translated. Do your own research, make up your own mind, rely on the Holy Spirit to guide you.
If you desire God’s truth more than your own life, and are willing to challenge all that you know, then take up your sword and fly into SonPlacing - A Handbook For Warriors.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Bummer Lamb


The Bummer Lamb, are you... - Inspirations of a Joyful Heart ...

Every once in a while, a ewe will give birth to a lamb and then reject it. There are many reasons she may do this. If the lamb is returned to the ewe, the mother may even kick the poor animal away.

Once a ewe rejects one of her lambs, she will never change her mind. These little lambs will hang their heads so low that it looks like something is wrong with its neck. Their spirit is crushed and broken.

These lambs are called “bummer lambs.” And, unless the shepherd intervenes, that lamb will die, rejected and alone.

So, do you know what the shepherd does? He takes that rejected little lamb into his home, hand-feeds it and keeps it warm by the fire. He will wrap it up with blankets and hold it to his chest so that the bummer lamb can hear the heartbeat of the shepherd.

Once the lamb is strong enough, the shepherd will place it back in the field with the rest of the flock. But that sheep never forgets how the shepherd cared for him when his mother rejected him.

When the shepherd calls for the flock, guess who runs to him first? That's right, the bummer lamb. He knows the shepherd’s voice intimately.

It is not that the bummer lamb is loved more, it just knows intimately the one who loves it. The lamb believes it because it has experienced that love one on one.

So many of us are bummer lambs, rejected and broken and crushed in spirit. Our hearts and our souls have been bruised by the rejection of those we once thought loved and cared for us.

But Jesus is the Good Shepherd (John 10). He cares for our every need and holds us close to His heart so we can hear His heartbeat. We may be broken, but we are never rejected by The Shepherd.

Jesus himself invited us into relationship with him in these words: “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light” (Matthew 11:28-30).

If there is one overarching theme in the Bible, it is that you matter. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you have done or what kind of checkered past you may have, you are loved by the Good Shepherd, whose name is Jesus.

Read this letter from your Heavenly Father


You are cordially invited to join Renew Your Strength Bible Study Group


The purpose of this post is to get people to think about what they believe and why they believe it, not debate who's right or wrong. To learn the revealed truth of God we must know and understand the true meaning of the words God inspired to be written. Use Strong's Concordance to check the original word before it was translated. Do your own research, make up your own mind, rely on the Holy Spirit to guide you.


Disciples of Christ


Christian congregation worship God together, with cross with light rays in background

If you were accused of being a disciple of Jesus Christ, would there be enough evidence to convict you?

We’d all like to have a clear picture of the characteristics of a disciple. As we’re growing towards spiritual maturity, it’s good to know what a mature disciple looks like.

We know that discipleship is a lifelong journey. When we hear Jesus’ Great Commission to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matt. 28:19), we can be tempted to think Jesus is only talking about evangelism. But Jesus doesn’t stop there; he continues, “and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (v. 20).

Growing towards maturity is an important step in making discipleship the core of your life. Not only are we called to introduce people to Jesus—we’re also told to grow them toward a mature faith and encourage them to live out certain characteristics of a disciple.

Over and over, New Testament writers stress the difference between immature and mature disciples. Paul tells the Ephesians that Christ equips his people to grow from infancy to spiritual maturity (Eph. 4:11–14). He laments that he cannot yet walk the Corinthians toward deeper elements of faith because they’re only ready for “milk to drink, not solid food” (1 Cor. 3:2). Peter encourages his readers to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Pet. 3:18).

We cannot settle for shallow faith. We need to encourage one another to develop those areas where faith remains immature.

But what does a mature disciple look like? What characteristics does a disciple possess?

Here are 8 “Marks of a Disciple.” Think of a “mark of a disciple” as a sign of maturity or an important characteristic of a disciple. It’s evidence that the Gospel is bearing fruit in a disciple's life.

8 Characteristics of a Mature Disciple

1. Mature disciples understand their need for a Savior

Mature disciples know God’s plan for salvation is a process. They have internalized that they are slaves, held captive by terrible enemies: sin and death, and  they see that in this fallen, corrupt, and shattered world, they need a rescuer—Jesus, our savior and redeemer.

Mature disciples acknowledge that Jesus gave his followers The Way of escape from sin and its effects when he took them on at the cross.

Warning Sign! When disciples lack this character trait, they show signs of having a "once saved always saved" attitude and remain babes in the Word. Saying once saved always saved is like saying once an adult always an adult. The flesh hates the process of salvation because it is the long narrow way.

2. Mature disciples know the God of the Bible

Mature disciples know the God that they serve. They know His name and praise Him by name. They recognize that he is too awesome and too complicated to wrap their minds around, but they see that Yahweh God desires a personal relationship with them.

Taking note of the ways Yahweh has revealed himself, mature disciples are continuing learning what He is like. They view the Bible as the story of Yahweh’s relationship with his people over the centuries, and they see His fingerprints throughout the world around them.

Warning Sign! When disciples lack depth in this area, they tend to acknowledge more than one god or lack a value for Yahweh's Word


3. Mature disciples recognize that they are made in God’s image

Mature disciples choose their God-given identity over who culture says they should be. Before they determine who they are, they focus on whose they are. 

They affirm that God created human beings in his own image, and they rejoice that Christ came and paid the penalty for sin on the cross to offer them a new and redeemed idenity. Mature disciples also find in their God-given identity a God-given mission. As image bearers of the one true God, they seek to be his representatives here on earth.

Warning Sign! When they don’t live out this characteristic of a disciple, they oftentimes try to be someone they aren’t or determine their identity based on their environment


4. Mature disciples serve out of love

Scripture paints a clear picture for how we should treat our fellow human beings. In Zechariah 7, the prophet chastised God’s people for going through the religious motions—fasting, sacrificing, and celebrating—one minute, then treating others poorly the next. Their worship was selfish. God wanted them to “administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another. Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the foreigner or the poor. Do not plot evil against each other.”

This gets to the heart of service in a mature disciple’s life. Immature disciples may serve others when it’s convenient or when it makes them look and feel good. But mature disciples follow Jesus’ example by transforming into continuous servants. They serve others by taking God’s love for people and making it their own.

Warning Sign! When disciples lack depth in this area, they can be driven by materialism or show signs of selfishness. They follow pastors who preach an earthly prosperity message rather than storing up treasure in heaven.


5. Mature disciples share their faith story

The Good News of the Kingdom of God is the greatest gift we can receive. Through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, we are adopted as God’s children. We receive the Holy Spirit, and enter into eternal loving relationship with our Lord.

Mature disciples follow Jesus’ instruction to share his Good News with others: “Go into the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15). As mature disciples reflect on the transformation in their own lives and Jesus’ influence on their journey, they yearn for those same things in others’ lives. So they share the gospel and its influence on their story of faith with those who need to hear it most.

Warning Sign! When disciples lack this character trait, they may be afraid to talk about spiritual things or make excuses for not reaching out


6. Mature disciples worship regardless of circumstance

We sing, pray, and dance because we worship. By themselves these things are not all that special and can even be self-serving. But when they are done in response to God, they become worship played out in our lives.

Mature disciples see worship as a lifestyle. Their hearts are aware of God’s constant presence, and they can’t help but marvel at his glory. Nor is their worship dependent on circumstance. Mature disciples worship God even during tough times because they know that God is always worthy of praise.

Warning Sign! When disciples lack depth in this area, they may experience feelings-based worship or have a shallow prayer life


7. Mature disciples defend their faith

The Bible encourages us to defend our faith: “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,” (1 Peter 3:15). That’s the point of apologetics—to explain our hope in Christ to others.

Mature disciples are equipped to communicate God’s truth in a world that is hostile towards him. They don’t share God’s truth in an overbearing way, but they display a confidence and a willingness to unashamedly and respectfully engage our culture.

Warning Sign! When they don’t live out this characteristic of a disciple, they might disregard the Bible or be easily swayed in their beliefs, "tossed about by every wind of doctrine." ~ Ephesians 4:14-15


8. Mature disciples join in the community of believers

Mature disciples don’t take the journey of discipleship alone. When we’re adopted as children of God, we gain millions of spiritual siblings who are on the same journey.

Immature disciples might think they don't need to study the Bible. They say things like, “I don’t need to study the Bible because I get more out of listening to the preacher."

Yet Scripture describes the life of a disciple "as a worker that needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15).

No Church has a franchise on God or a monopoly on the Truth. Mature Disciples are not afraid to walk the narrow path. True Christian assembly is with believers, not institutions. Believers are individuals, searching for God by revelation, perseverance, and personal conviction. They worship in spirit and in truth, not in Articles of Faith, dogmatic ritual, or by unction from a hireling clergy. 

Warning Sign! When disciples lack depth in this area, they tend to join a popular mega-church. Disciples can fellowship with other believers, but true Disciples are members of the Body of Christ. Their spiritual walk is with Jesus Christ alone.

There are two kinds of Disciples… overcomers and non-overcomers. Non-overcomers believe that the goal of salvation is to populate heaven with “saved sinners”. Overcomers know the real goal of salvation is to put on the mind of Christ. Do what He did… crucify the works of the flesh, and get what He got… a crown of Life. Read it for yourself in James 1:12 and Revelation 3:21.

Overcomers are professional assassins of their own carnality. An overcomer asks himself three questions every day.
1. Is what I am doing now building Christ-like character?
2. Is what I am doing now producing the fruit of the Spirit? Galatians 5:22.
3. Is what I am doing now helping me overcome the carnal mind?

The purpose of this post is to get people to think about what they believe and why they believe it, not debate who's right or wrong. To learn the revealed truth of God we must know and understand the true meaning of the words God inspired to be written. Use Strong's Concordance to check the original word before it was translated. Do your own research, make up your own mind, rely on the Holy Spirit to guide you.