
We’d all like to have a clear picture of the characteristics of a disciple. As we’re growing towards spiritual maturity, it’s good to know what a mature disciple looks like.
We know that discipleship is a lifelong journey. When we hear Jesus’ Great Commission to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matt. 28:19), we can be tempted to think Jesus is only talking about evangelism. But Jesus doesn’t stop there; he continues, “and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (v. 20).
Growing towards maturity is an important step in making discipleship the core of your life. Not only are we called to introduce people to Jesus—we’re also told to grow them toward a mature faith and encourage them to live out certain characteristics of a disciple.
Over and over, New Testament writers stress the difference between immature and mature disciples. Paul tells the Ephesians that Christ equips his people to grow from infancy to spiritual maturity (Eph. 4:11–14). He laments that he cannot yet walk the Corinthians toward deeper elements of faith because they’re only ready for “milk to drink, not solid food” (1 Cor. 3:2). Peter encourages his readers to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Pet. 3:18).
We cannot settle for shallow faith. We need to encourage one another to develop those areas where faith remains immature.
But what does a mature disciple look like? What characteristics does a disciple possess?
Here are 8 “Marks of a Disciple.” Think of a “mark of a disciple” as a
sign of maturity or an important characteristic of a disciple. It’s
evidence that the Gospel is bearing fruit in a disciple's life.
8 Characteristics of a Mature Disciple
1. Mature disciples understand their need for a Savior
Mature disciples know God’s plan for salvation is a process. They have internalized that they are slaves, held captive by terrible enemies: sin and death, and they see that in this fallen, corrupt, and shattered world, they need a rescuer—Jesus, our savior and redeemer.
Mature disciples acknowledge that Jesus gave his followers The Way of escape from sin and its effects when he took them on at the cross.
Warning Sign! When disciples lack this character trait, they show signs of having a "once saved always saved" attitude and remain babes in the Word. Saying once saved always saved is like saying once an adult always an adult. The flesh hates the process of salvation because it is the long narrow way.
2. Mature disciples know the God of the Bible
Mature disciples know the God that they serve. They know His name and praise Him by name. They recognize that he is too awesome and too complicated to wrap their minds around, but they see that Yahweh God desires a personal relationship with them.
Taking note of the ways Yahweh has revealed himself, mature disciples are continuing learning what He is like. They view the Bible as the story of Yahweh’s relationship with his people over the centuries, and they see His fingerprints throughout the world around them.
Warning Sign! When disciples lack depth in this area, they tend to acknowledge more than one god or lack a value for Yahweh's Word.
3. Mature disciples recognize that they are made in God’s image
Mature disciples choose their God-given identity over who culture says they should be. Before they determine who they are, they focus on whose they are.
They affirm that God created human beings in his own image, and they rejoice that Christ came and paid the penalty for sin on the cross to offer them a new and redeemed idenity. Mature disciples also find in their God-given identity a God-given mission. As image bearers of the one true God, they seek to be his representatives here on earth.
Warning Sign! When they don’t live out this characteristic of a disciple, they oftentimes try to be someone they aren’t or determine their identity based on their environment.
4. Mature disciples serve out of love
Scripture paints a clear picture for how we should treat our fellow human beings. In Zechariah 7, the prophet chastised God’s people for going through the religious motions—fasting, sacrificing, and celebrating—one minute, then treating others poorly the next. Their worship was selfish. God wanted them to “administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another. Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the foreigner or the poor. Do not plot evil against each other.”
This gets to the heart of service in a mature disciple’s life. Immature disciples may serve others when it’s convenient or when it makes them look and feel good. But mature disciples follow Jesus’ example by transforming into continuous servants. They serve others by taking God’s love for people and making it their own.
Warning Sign! When disciples lack depth in this area, they can be driven by materialism or show signs of selfishness. They follow pastors who preach an earthly prosperity message rather than storing up treasure in heaven.
5. Mature disciples share their faith story
The Good News of the Kingdom of God is the greatest gift we can receive. Through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, we are adopted as God’s children. We receive the Holy Spirit, and enter into eternal loving relationship with our Lord.
Mature disciples follow Jesus’ instruction to share his Good News with others: “Go into the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15). As mature disciples reflect on the transformation in their own lives and Jesus’ influence on their journey, they yearn for those same things in others’ lives. So they share the gospel and its influence on their story of faith with those who need to hear it most.
Warning Sign! When disciples lack this character trait, they may be afraid to talk about spiritual things or make excuses for not reaching out.
6. Mature disciples worship regardless of circumstance
We sing, pray, and dance because we worship. By themselves these things are not all that special and can even be self-serving. But when they are done in response to God, they become worship played out in our lives.
Mature disciples see worship as a lifestyle. Their hearts are aware of God’s constant presence, and they can’t help but marvel at his glory. Nor is their worship dependent on circumstance. Mature disciples worship God even during tough times because they know that God is always worthy of praise.
Warning Sign! When disciples lack depth in this area, they may experience feelings-based worship or have a shallow prayer life.
7. Mature disciples defend their faith
The Bible encourages us to defend our faith: “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,” (1 Peter 3:15). That’s the point of apologetics—to explain our hope in Christ to others.
Mature disciples are equipped to communicate God’s truth in a world that is hostile towards him. They don’t share God’s truth in an overbearing way, but they display a confidence and a willingness to unashamedly and respectfully engage our culture.
Warning Sign! When they don’t live out this characteristic of a disciple, they might disregard the Bible or be easily swayed in their beliefs, "tossed about by every wind of doctrine." ~ Ephesians 4:14-15
8. Mature disciples join in the community of believers
Mature disciples don’t take the journey of discipleship alone. When we’re adopted as children of God, we gain millions of spiritual siblings who are on the same journey.
Immature disciples might think they don't need to study the Bible. They say things like, “I don’t need to study the Bible because I get more out of listening to the preacher."
Yet Scripture describes the life of a disciple "as a worker that needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15).
No Church has a franchise on God or a monopoly on the Truth. Mature Disciples are not afraid to walk the narrow path. True Christian assembly is with believers, not institutions. Believers are individuals, searching for God by revelation, perseverance, and personal conviction. They worship in spirit and in truth, not in Articles of Faith, dogmatic ritual, or by unction from a hireling clergy.
Warning Sign! When disciples lack depth in this area, they tend to join a popular mega-church. Disciples can fellowship with other believers, but true Disciples are members of the Body of Christ. Their spiritual walk is with Jesus Christ alone.
1. Is what I am doing now building Christ-like character?
2. Is what I am doing now producing the fruit of the Spirit? Galatians 5:22.
3. Is what I am doing now helping me overcome the carnal mind?