Jesus came preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom. ~
Matthew 9:35
Instead of witnessing what Jesus has done, and is doing, Churchanity
turns Christians into salesmen. And what do Churches sale?... mostly
false doctrines, traditions of men, fables, Church membership with
religious rituals, and substitutes a gospel of salvation for the Gospel of the Kingdom which Jesus came preaching.
And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. ~ Matthew 24:14
Organized religion delays the return of Jesus Christ to establish the Kingdom on earth by preaching a false gospel to the nations. As witnesses of Jesus Christ, Christians are under oath to tell the truth. Until the nations know the Truth they are not free to make an informed decision. ~ John 8:32
False Witnesses Preach False Gospels
Denominational Churchanity
preaches doctrines such as: the doctrine of salvation, the doctrine of immortal soul, the doctrine of
heaven and hell, the doctrine of Easter and Christmas, the doctrine of Lent, the doctrine of
prosperity, the doctrine of healing, the doctrine of speaking in unknown
tongues, the doctrine of belonging to the "right church", the doctrine of the
sabbath, the doctrine of only using Hebrew names, and they orbit these doctrines having a form of
godliness, but denying the power of the Gospel of the Kingdom ~ 2
Timothy 3:5
The word gospel means good news. Exactly what is this "good news"? In a nutshell: You came from God, you belong to God, you are going to God. You have no choice. God has predestined you to be reconciled to Him. ~ Ephesians 1:11 and
2 Corinthians 5:18
The only choice we have is to be a profitable servant or an unprofitable servant. We will all meet our Maker as one or the other.
I was raised in a Christian Church. I don't remember ever hearing a sermon about the Kingdom of God. What it is, and what the requirements are to enter the Kingdom. I was 45 years old before I heard a sermon on the Kingdom. It was another 20 years before I fully appreciated the love and mercy of my Heavenly Father.
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The purpose of this post is to get people to think about what they believe and why they believe it, not debate who's right or wrong.
learn the revealed truth of God we must know and understand the true
meaning of the words God inspired to be written. Use Strong's
Concordance to check the original word before it was translated. Do your own research, make up your own mind, rely on the Holy Spirit to guide you.