![Conversations With God - Rotten Tomatoes](https://ci3.googleusercontent.com/meips/ADKq_Nb_ZurX2nmkzyj7sAp5QCtRNe6KiYBYOHAXLbaKMvij_2HU7tHtNn951WgwGisHmgzb0nLgJ3YPVkKaq8SooDpvse52HNddJg=s0-d-e1-ft#https://flxt.tmsimg.com/assets/p164718_p_v8_aa.jpg)
Human: I want to do "X".
God: You are free to do it.
Human: But your Book of instructions says "X" is wrong.
God: Yes
Human: Because You want to control me?
God: No, you are free to do what you want.
Human: But You said "X" is wrong.
God: Yes, but only because I want your ultimate good.
Human: But I want to do "X".
God: You are free to do it.
Human: But I want you to say "X" is good and approve of it.
God: I cannot say that.
Human: Why do You hate me?
Why the World Is In A Mess
God made everything. Man made evolution.
God made male and female. Man made LBGQT+
God made life. Man made abortion.
God made sex. Man made porn.
God made marriage. Man made divorce.
God made herbs for medicine. Man made drugs.
God made honey. Man made artificial sweeteners.
God made water. Man made sodas.
God made healthy food. Man made junk food.
God made generosity. Man made envy.
God made absolute truth. Man made philosophy.
God made peace. Man made war.
God made humans of one blood. Man made racism.
God made knowledge. Man made vain imagination.
God made wisdom. Man made foolishness.
God made forgiveness. Man made revenge.
God made salvation. Man made religions.
God made faith, hope, and love. Man made fear, despair, and hate.
Is God Real?
First, let's get something straight. Churchianity is not Christianity.
Q. If God is real why doesn't He come down from heaven and show us?
A. He did! God sent His Son. We killed Him.
Q. Did God create the heavens and earth in six 24 hour days?
A. No
Q. Is the story of Noah and the flood true?
A. Yes
This Is For You "Logical" Thinkers
Asking if God is real is like asking is the wind real. You can't see the wind or know where it comes from, but you know wind is real because you can feel and see the power of wind. Likewise, you can see the exquisite design of nature and know for certain there is a Creator. The cell phone you use is proof positive there's a cell phone maker. Stuff doesn't just happen, use your logical brain.Yeah, well where did God come from? We don't know, our brain is not that big.
are a lot of unsolved mysteries in the Bible. God only reveals
knowledge on a need to know basis. Example: Jesus is the only begotten
son of God.
Begotten son means a son who was produced through procreation, or fathered. In the Bible, "only begotten son" is used to describe Jesus Christ as the unique Son of God.
Who was Jesus' heavenly mother? Does God the Father have a wife? We
don't know the answers to those questions. All we know from the Bible is
Mary was his earthly mother.
Unlike man, God has never been alone. Because God is a Spirit being He has union
with Himself and has always existed in a loving relationship. Therefore,
there is no need for God to have a wife or companion.
The pagan religions often portrayed their false gods as having wives, consorts, and love interests, but the One True God is unlike the worthless idols of paganism..
The pagan religions often portrayed their false gods as having wives, consorts, and love interests, but the One True God is unlike the worthless idols of paganism..
If you don't know where you came from or where you're going, you need a Guide. Jesus said, "Follow Me," not
join some Church or try to find the right path on your own.
Jesus was
born as a human being, suffered and died, and rose from the dead. Jesus
KNOWS exactly how you think, feel, and act. He's been there, done that.
Jesus is the only person qualified to give you advice. Listen to Him!
What Does God Expect From Man?
The Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. ~ Micah 6:8 (New Living Translation) Is that asking too much?
No religion has a franchise on God or a monopoly on the truth. You Are
Cordially Invited to Renew Your Strength Bible Study Group.