Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Sky Already Has Fallen

Image result for the sky is falling images
 ... Or Cares

by Edgar J. Steele
December 11, 2007

Here's an email notice I just received from a correspondent:
CompUSA going out of business. Possible big discounts starting Wednesday. Normally, when a store goes out of business, it means an "everything must go" sale, and CompUSA's will be no exception.,2704,2230322,00.asp

CompUSA is a big chain. Time was, this would be front-page news all over America. Bet you don't hear about it at all, except from this single email. Lots of companies this size are going under now, but you don't hear about them.

Take this as a sign of the times. GM now has negative equity of $74 per share. Ford should have gone under a year ago. When I was working in San Francisco as a financial analyst, line banks would use their loan covenants to force corporate takeovers/dissolutions when book value got low. GM's is negative, fercrissakes! Difference is, GM and Ford are too big to let go out of business - too noticeable to Americanus Stupidus.

Same thing with gas prices. That's why diesel, which always has been cheaper, now costs a bunch more than gas - they keep the gas prices low so as not to unduly alarm the sheep.

I had my wife drop the pickup off at the dealer recently, asking her to tell them to replace the glow-plug relay, which obviously had gone bad due to the hard-starting and smoking symptoms. I just found out that they charged us $253 for a part I should have bought off eBay ($40, including shipping) and replaced myself (3 screws) - a repair I have done myself before on other diesel vehicles. $253!!! I have a call in to the service department, which I have used for 15 years, and can hardly wait to hear their excuse. They just lost my business, of course.

I expect lots of local business failures due to customer losses in the face of pricing practices just like this, which now are pandemic throughout America. I'm going to start changing my own oil again, too, just like I used to, after 30 years of having others do it for me. How about you? There goes Jiffy Lube.

I just got a pitch from UCLA's law school for donations. Part of it was a recounting of tuition cost through the years, designed to cause me to want to send in a check. The only thing that it made clear to me is that we mere mortals no longer can afford a professional education and that it is time to close down UCLA's law school!

Though second only to UC Berkeley's Boalt Hall law school in quality for public universities in America, UCLA and Boalt Hall still are publicly-funded colleges, so must be accessible. When I attended UCLA Law School (1979-1982), my total tuition for three years was $2,500. If you started at UCLA law this past fall, you will pay $87,000 in tuition alone before you finish - and that is in-state, resident tuition, too. I can't afford to send my kids to such a school, but you know who gets free rides.

I hurt my back when some dumb cluck teenager backed into my car in a parking lot this past fall, so had to hire others to cut wood for our winter heat. Couldn't get anybody local to respond to my ad offering $10, then $12 per hour, cash. I finally got two guys to commute 1 and 2 hours, respectively, to cut wood for me for $15 per hour.

Maybe there really are jobs that we won't do anymore.

I call the two current generations the "lost generations," because they don't want to work, don't know how to work and won't show up when they agree to work. What America really needs is the financial enema she is about to receive. Unfortunately, a good smacking from World War is going to accompany it, thanks to our friends in the ranks of The Chosen.

Already, we are hurtling into the abyss, folks, and they are doing everything they can to lie to us about it.

Think not? Watch this video of CNBC hacks at work:

Note how, halfway through, the anchor quickly cuts off the guest when he both accuses the govt of lying in statistics and actually mentions discontinuance of the reporting of M3. Then, shortly after that, the guest says he believes the US economy is a house of cards and that the world is teetering on the brink of financial collapse, whereupon the anchor again steps in, recharacterizes what the guest just said as "recession" and breezily changes the subject for the balance of the interview.

This is how it is done, folks, even when they get someone honest and knowledgable on TV. This is why the average American is just so damned stupid! (Not you, of course. Your mere presence on this site proves you to be far from average.)

The sky isn't falling - it already has fallen and lies about us in broken shards that are obvious if we just open our eyes.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Government Cannot Do Church's Job

Image result for Church and government images

by Chuck Baldwin
December 11, 2007

One thing that Christians should come to terms with is the truism that government cannot do the church's job. Not in any shape, manner, or form. Yet, by the way many Christians and pastors behave these days, one gets the impression that they don't really understand this truth. Instead, it seems that many Christians and ministers see the government--especially the federal government--as an extension of the church.

Now, if anyone thinks that I am about to go into a "separation of church and state" tirade, think again. The modern definition of "separation of church and state" is so far removed from the original meaning of the First Amendment that it is downright preposterous. All the First Amendment does is prohibit (the federal) Congress from passing any law establishing a state church or from prohibiting the free exercise of religion.

The idea that James Madison and the other authors of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights intended to prohibit children from praying in school, or state and local governments from posting the Ten Commandments and from erecting Nativity scenes is the invention of modern-age humanists, whose real goal is to eviscerate America's Christian heritage. Such reasoning is a complete inversion of the real meaning of the First Amendment. All the First Amendment was designed to do was recognize religious liberty, something Americans enjoyed until the infamous Supreme Court decisions in 1962 and '63.

That said, it is equally apparent that many Christians and ministers today have developed the attitude that somehow the federal government is supposed to enforce by law what only the Spirit of God can enforce through grace. Let's be plain: the federal government cannot do the church's job.

The role of the federal government is to secure the rights that are given to us by God. Namely, the rights of life, liberty, and property. Properly understood, the role of the federal government has little to do with providing "services," and everything to do with securing the liberties of the people. It is just that simple.

However, a majority of Americans today believe that the federal government (in essence) is supposed to be father, mother, provider, teacher, doctor, and even preacher to people. Instead of looking to God, the family, the church, and individual responsibility, we look to Uncle Sam. And this sentiment is shared by a host of professing Christians as well.

Therefore, instead of doing the hard work of teaching and disciplining our children, we look to Uncle Sam to straighten out our rebellious kids. Instead of preaching the hard messages of truth from our pulpits, churches expect Uncle Sam to straighten out (through the power of law) all those "bad" people out there. Instead of taking personal responsibility for our own health and livelihood, we expect Uncle Sam to be our provider and protector.

Take the issue of morality, for example. When, pray tell, did it become the responsibility of the federal government to define, inspect, and enforce morality? Is this not first, the responsibility of the home, and second, the responsibility of the church? Do we really desire a federal government with the power to define and enforce morality? God forbid!

At this point, I should make it clear that state and local governments have every right--and even the responsibility--to establish community standards. State and local governments are legitimately within their rights to prohibit those activities deemed harmful to the health and well-being of their communities.

If states or municipalities want to prohibit "adult" book stores, they certainly have the right to do so. If they want to make prostitution and drug use illegal, they have every right to do so. If they want to regulate nightclubs and honky-tonks, more power to them. I, for one, have no desire to live in Pottersville. However, none of this is any of Uncle Sam's business!

Here is the problem: our pastors have become spiritual pantywaists and our churches have become spiritual playgrounds. Pastors and churches have sold their souls to success-driven "ministry." We want big attendances, big offerings, big family life centers, big youth departments, big Sunday Schools, and big-name people on our membership rolls. And we will do whatever it takes to achieve it.

And most of the time, in order to accommodate our overwhelming desire to be a "big success," pastors and churches will soften the message to the point that the average Sunday sermon is little more than a glorified "how-to-get-rich," or "how-to-be-happy," or "how-to-avoid-guilt," ad infinitum, ad nauseum, pep-talk. Words such as "sinner," "Hell," "judgment," "retribution," and "repentance" have been permanently removed from the vocabulary of the average pastor. The plain, powerful, old-fashioned Gospel has been replaced with sloppy, mushy, offend-no-one sermonettes that could not bring Holy Spirit conviction if one even wanted it--which hardly anyone does.

Furthermore, the music program of the average church is nothing more than a hard-rock concert, and our youth programs are little more than dating services. There is no church discipline or accountability. People can dress (or undress) any way they want, talk any way they want, and act any way they want with little or no supervision or oversight.

Then, when our families and communities go to Hell, instead of hitting the prayer closet and asking God to send revival to our hearts, our homes, and our churches, we demand that Uncle Sam fix it. We support presidential candidates who say they will lead the federal government in finding solutions to all of our ills.

Ladies and gentlemen, the federal government cannot do the church's job. The church has an obligation to be the "light" and "salt" of society. It should be setting the standard of righteousness through its preaching and teaching. It should be willing to call a spade a spade, even if it offends business leaders and politicians in the process.

Likewise, the federal government cannot do the family's job. It is the responsibility of each mother and father to teach morality and faith to their children. Parents are given the task of disciplining and correcting their children.

Let's tell it like it is: America is fast losing its moral compass because our families and churches are not doing their respective jobs. And the problem is, when families and churches fail, there is no Plan B. That is, not without the loss of freedom and independence.

The federal government cannot do the job of the family and the church, because everything it does is at the expense of something else. The only wealth it has is what it confiscates from someone else. The only power it has is what it steals from someone else. The only "services" it provides are at the expense of someone else. This is why our country's founding documents state that the federal government's role was to be very limited and narrowly defined.
As someone rightly said, "A government that is big enough to give you all you want, is big enough to take it all away." Amen.

Therefore, instead of looking to presidential candidates who will use the federal government to accomplish everything we want done (even the good things we want done), we should support only those candidates who recognize the proper role of the federal government as being limited and narrowly defined (by the Constitution). And then, it behooves us to look to ourselves to be the parents we should be to our own children at home, and to look for pastors and churches that are not trying to be popular, but that are courageous and faithful custodians of the truth.


Visit Chuck Baldwin's Website

© Chuck

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

God's Divine Judgments

God's Divine Justice - Judge's Hand with Gavel in Heavenly Clouds

Guest Commentator - David Weber

Beloved, everything that God does is in accordance with His Divine Law. His Law is perfect. Grace sets us free, not from the Divine Law itself, but free to come to God so that His righteous ways can be carved on our hearts and on our minds through righteous judgments. Without the Law there can be no righteous judgments. Without the Law, there cannot even be grace!

The righteous judgments of God are soon going to flood the earth in an unprecedented way, and this will have a profound effect on all of the inhabitants of the earth. These judgments will all be made in accordance with the Divine Law of God.

His Law is perfect, and so are His judgments. The legal process of divine judgment IS the fiery stream which flows from God's Holy Throne. His Law is His FIRE, and it is something that is administered to sinners to set them free ... not to torture them! Those who teach that God's fire is to be used for the purpose of torturing and tormenting sinners, don't know the heart of God, nor do they understand His Law, nor do they understand the purpose for His judgments.

When the Son visited the earth in the form of a man, He made clear His desire to kindle a FIRE on the earth. In that statement, the Son was not expressing a wish to bring people into the torture of "hell-fire" - as many understand it, but He wished to restore the earth by means of GOD'S LAWFUL JUDGMENTS.

This process of restoration through judgment was seen by the prophet Daniel as a river of fire, and was seen by John as a lake of fire. In vision form, these two prophets were both shown God's PROCESS for the full restoration of His creation man, but each prophet saw this PROCESS at different stages.

To share just briefly here on "the lake of fire" that was seen by John; IT IS A PICTURE OF THE END PROCESS OF GOD'S LAWFUL JUDGMENTS! The "lake of fire" is not a specific judgment in and of itself, but rather it is a prophetic description of a process which consists of many different types of judgment, all which fit the specific crimes committed. At the Great White Throne Judgment the dead will be raised to be judged according to their "deeds." Despite what religious Babylon teaches about the lake of fire, those cast into this "lake" do not all receive the same judgment, for how could they if they are each "judged according to their deeds"? Again I say, "the lake of fire" is a prophetic picture of a PROCESS of judgment. It is not a specific judgment in and of itself!

In regard to the punishments of God, they are, and shall be meted out in degrees, and can be short in duration, or they can last for many ages. But be assured, they are "eonian," which means that they have a distinct beginning and a definite end! Punishment itself would be meted out by tormenting sinners forever - but JUSTICE would not be served! The Lord God is a JUST AND LOVING GOD! His punishments are benevolent and constructive they are NOT vindictive and retaliatory! God's fire is that which consumes all of the wood, hay, and stubble of man's carnality. It is NOT a literal fire, and it sure as heck is NOT an "eternal" one!

Beloved ones, our Father has a wondrous and benevolent plan that will eventually be wrought out to the full restoration of His entire creation. Unfortunately though, many people (even most Christians) have not yet vision for this, mostly because they've been blinded by their religion and the erroneous traditions and teachings of men. To most of you here though, I believe that it has been granted for you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. Keep your hearts as little children.

Bless you ... D

You are cordially invited to join Renew Your Strength Bible Study Group 

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Why Americans Have No Rights

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by Mike Farris

Under current U.S. law a minor can enter into any contract, but the general law concerning a contract with a minor is that such contracts are voidable. The law is formulated to safeguard minors who cannot fully understand the consequences of a contract. This implies that minors can exit the contract at their will. 


Social Security is the biggest ponzi scam ever perpetrated on U.S. citizens. Every baby born in a hospital in the United States is born in debt and must have a Social Security number before they are released. The amount of debt a child born in 2023 will have when they become an adult is estimated to be $82,590, and it increases daily. A new born infant cannot possibly consent or understand the consequences of being issued a social security number. In direct violation of American law, there is no provision to opt-out of the Social Social Security system.


The government borrows on future earnings of every child. A Social Security Card is actually a government credit card that you spend the rest of your life trying to pay off. The government confiscates the payment out of every paycheck, and pays no interest on the supposed deposit. Then at retirement the government gives you an allowance based on a 'formula' they devised.

Every election cycle the politicians say, "the social security system is running out of money, vote for me, I'll protect your money." Strange... we never hear about the federal retirement fund running out of money, or welfare, or foreign aid, or money to wage endless wars.

If one can ignore the incessant propaganda that bombards us from what passes as “news” on TV, movies, and even music, one might ponder why Americans no longer have Rights over themselves, their children, and their property. The 14th Amendment made all natural free-born American Nationals into "federal citizens" with privileges granted by the master government.

In the pre-socialist days prior to 1935, a natural born free person upon the earth was identified by their name, spelled in upper and lower case letters, their date of birth and place of birth. A valid birth certificate was enough to properly identify a person. Now, any document from the government spells names in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. This is because the government created a fictional "person" identified by a 9 digit number. 


My 1955 SS card plainly states NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION. That statement was removed and now the SS number is "required" for nearly every business transaction. Numbers are useful to identify appliances, equipment, vehicles, etc., but not human beings. Social Security numbers identify an account (not a person) that was supposedly open for you. However, you have no control over that account. The bureaucrats tell you when you may apply for some of your money, how much they will allow you to receive each month, and even what day of the month they will send the funds.

When Common Law based upon justice, reason, and common sense was the Law of the land a birth certificate was all you needed to prove your identity. Since the Common Law is a prerogative of sovereigns, the servant government had no lawful authority to enact nor prosecute Common Law offenses. Many judges agreed that the Common Law was too harsh for a democracy. And they were right because Americans were promised a Republic form of government wherein the People (not federal citizens) were the sovereigns. Since property and sovereignty are inseparable, only those who absolutely owned property could rely upon the promises in the organic documents that instituted America’s governments at the Federal, State, and Local levels. In the original instrument, the Declaration of Independence, it was clearly stated that governments were instituted among men to do two things: help secure property rights, and govern by consent.

What are property rights? The absolute right to own ourselves, our labor, the fruits of our labor, and that for which we choose to trade our labor. Private property is defined as land, houses, and chattels (property other than real estate). Real estate is not private property. If two or more persons have a claim it ceases to be private property and devolves to estate. Estate is held with qualified ownership. It’s no surprise to me that State constitutions only list “real and personal property” as subject to taxation and regulation. Private property is sacred, and exempt.

Before the politicians (poly from the Greek, meaning many; and tic, an ugly bloodsucking parasite) sold out America, a sovereign who owned private property was the supreme authority and absolute monarch over his domain. An example of the absolute power to decide and act (sovereignty) was the landlord’s right to defend his property from trespass with deadly force. If capital punishment without benefit of trial isn’t evidence of individual sovereignty, I don’t know what else will suffice.

To retain the status of private property, only one individual can own said property, therefore, coverture was essential. Coverture was the transfer of the wife’s property to her husband for the duration of the marriage. This made the man the sole authority over the property insuring that servant government had to respect the family’s property rights in all things. There were very few problems as long as men loved their wives and treated them as equal partners. Historical revisionists would lead one to believe that men “owned” their wives and children, not unlike slaves, and that it was a bad thing (as if collective ownership by “Big Brother” is superior).

If one will recall, though men had the rights of ownership, they also had the sole duty of support and defense of their family. As the saying goes, “women and children first” into the lifeboat. Men were obligated to lay down their lives, if necessary, in defense of their family. Was it a burden that women and children had to obey the man of the family in exchange for his lifelong obligation to them? I don’t think so. Even the Law recognized that only the man could be held legally liable for failure to support his family. A wife who was forced by circumstances to “work outside the home” was tantamount to giving notice that the man was either unable, or worse, in violation of the Law, unwilling to support his family. At the very least, it was an insult to the manhood of the husband.

All this changed with the institution of national socialism in 1935. Known as the Social Security Act, or Federal Insurance Contribution Act (F.I.C.A.), this treacherous enactment was the final nail in the Grand Old Republic’s coffin. The ground work had been laid in 1913, giving control of America’s money to a privately held loan shark operation known as the Federal Reserve; and in 1916, the creation of the Fed’s collection agency, the Internal Revenue Service. It took the Fed less than 25 years to totally bankrupt America. The wealthiest nation in the history of the world was brought to her knees by the “Great Depression”, and had desperate Americans demanding that the government “do something”, which led to the destruction of individual property rights. For the truth about the Federal Reserve (which is no more “Federal” than Federal Express), read FOURTH REICH OF THE RICH by Des Griffin and SECRETS OF THE TEMPLE: HOW THE FEDERAL RESERVE RUNS THE COUNTRY by William Greider. Find out who owns your Representative and Senator at Open Secrets.

Unknown to the gullible participants, enrollment into “Social Security” (I call it socialist insecurity), had dire effects. First, it changed their status as Free men to paupers eligible for charity from the public treasury. Second, it eliminated their private property Rights to own, and thus have a domicile, in exchange for a residence. Third, it obligated them to pay the claims made upon the bankrupted United States of America (upper and lower case spelling), replaced by a bankruptcy trustee, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (all capital letters, a clever legal deception), and made the federal debt into their “national debt”. Fourth, it made it legally impossible to object to the worthless federal reserve notes. Fifth, it was prima facie evidence that a national socialist security number made them wards of the government and status criminals without the former protections accorded Free Inhabitants. Sixth, it made men (and women) subject to, and object of, administrative bureaucracy without constitutional restrictions. Seventh, it made them co-signers on all the loans the politicians borrow (present tense) from the Federal Reserve and foreign banks. China and Japan hold over 40% of America's debt. Every penny confiscated from American workers' paychecks goes to pay just the interest on the "national debt." I don't recall co-signing for that debt.

When Americans were reduced to bleating paupers, hands out for a share of their “entitlements”, the government could rightly ignore the centuries of Law based upon securing private property rights, and shift to policy based on voluntary consent. Without Common Law rights, the Common Law evaporated from public awareness (with a little help from public schools). In its place the strict rules and regulations of “civil law” have become the standard, Instead of natural and personal liberty, those birthrights of free Americans, we now have civil and political liberty as permitted by our master government. Contrary to popular belief, “Civil Liberty” is not freedom, but license (permission). Who needs permission (license) to own a dog, marry, build a house, travel public roads, carry a gun, and so on? Not a Free Man. Who needs to pay a tax for the privilege to live, work, or hold property? Not a Free Man!

Since 1935, Americans have surrendered their Republic form of government, guaranteed by Article 4, Section 4 of the constitution for the united States of America, and the promise to the Free Inhabitants of the Land from Article IV of the Articles of Confederation, in exchange for the mob rule of democracy. If you think democracy is something fine and good, you have been brainwashed, programmed, and indoctrinated with ANTI-AMERICAN propaganda. If you think it’s good that American lives and property are being used to make the world safe for democracy, your ancestors are spinning in their graves in outrage. Patrick Henry would spit on you. George Washington would turn his head from you. Ben Franklin would kick you in the arse.

Democracy destroys itself because it abuses its right to freedom and equality because it teaches its citizens to consider audacity as a right, lawlessness as a freedom, abrasive speech as equality, and anarchy as progress. ~ Socrates (436-338BC)

All Law is for the protection of life and property. All else is mere policy, and policy requires fully informed consent. And though involuntary servitude was outlawed, there is no restriction on voluntary servitude, albeit by fraud and deceit. Why do Americans keep re-electing the same politicians year after year? None of them ever honor their oath of office to defend and protect the constitution, and restore the Republic. Public service is a brief civic duty, not a career.

In answer to the question why 14th Amendment citizens have no rights, national socialism is to blame. However, our continued consent to national socialism is the mechanism that has locked the chains of tyranny upon us. He who consents can’t complain… don't bite the hand that feeds you… beggars can’t be choosers… you get the idea.

"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it".

Learn your Rights under American Law...

A Democracy is two Wolves and a Sheep voting on what to have for dinner. A Republic is a well-armed Sheep defending his Rights.

You Shall Know The Truth...

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And the truth will make you mad!

An excerpt from the book, Fourth Reich Of The Rich, by Des Griffin. World War I was then raging in Europe. With the prospect that the U.S.A. would soon join the war, two Skull and Bones “Patriarchs” Averell Harriman (class of 1913) and Percy A. Rockefeller (class of 1900), paid special attention to Prescott Bush’s class of 1917. They wanted reliable cadres to help them play the Great Game, in the lucrative new imperial era that the war was opening up for London and New York moneycrats. Prescott Bush, by then a close friend of “Bunny” Harriman, and several other Bonesmen from their class of 1917 would later comprise the core partners in Brown Brothers Harriman, the world’s largest private investment bank.

The U.S entered World War I in 1917. In the spring of 1918, Prescott’s father, Samuel P. Bush, became chief of the Ordinance, Small Arms and Ammunition Section of the War Industries Board. The senior Bush took national responsibility for government assistance to and relations with Remington and other weapons companies. With the war mobilization conducted under the supervision of the War Industries Board, U.S. consumers and taxpayers showered unprecedented fortunes on war producers and certain holders of raw materials and patents. Hearings in 1934 by the committee of U.S. Senator Gerald Nye attacked the “Merchants of Death” – war profiteers such as Remington Arms and the British Vickers company –whose salesmen had manipulated many nations into wars, and then supplied all sides with the weapons to fight them. Most of the records and correspondence of Samuel Bush’s arms- related section of the government have been burned, “to save space” in the National Archives. This matter of destroyed or misplaced records should be of concern to citizens of a constitutional republic. Unfortunately, it is a rather constant impediment with regard to researching George Bush’s background: He is certainly the most “covert” American chief executive. Captain Bush (Prescott)went to the 1919 reunion of his Yale class in New Haven, Connecticut. Skull and Bones Patriarch Wallace Simmons, closely tied to the arms manufacturers, offered Prescott Bush a job in his St. Louis railroad equipment company. Bush took the offer and moved to St. Louis–and his destiny.

Then on May 1, 1926, Prescott Bush joined W.A. Harriman & Co. as its vice president, under the bank’s president, Bert Walker, his father-in-law and George’s maternal grandfather–the head of the family. The firm’s first global lever was its successful arrangement to get into Germany by dominating that country’s shipping. Averell Harriman announced in 1920 that he would re-start Germany’s Hamburg- Amerika Line, after many months of scheming and arm-twisting. Hamburg-Amerika’s commercial steamships had been confiscated by the United States at the end of the First World War. These ships had then become the property of the Harriman enterprise, by some arrangements with the U.S. authorities that were never made public. The deal was breathtaking; it would create the world’s largest private shipping line. Hamburg-Amerika Line regained its confiscated vessels, for a heavy price. The Harriman enterprise took “the right to participate in 50 percent of all business originated in Hamburg” ; and for the next twenty years (1920-1940), the Harriman enterprise had “complete control of all activities of the Hamburg line in the United States.” The Hamburg-Amerika takeover created an effective instrument for the manipulation and fatal subversion of Germany. One of the great “merchants of death,” Samuel Pryor, was in it from the beginning. Pryor, then chairman of the executive committee of Remington Arms, helped arrange the deal and served with Walker on the board of Harriman’s shipping front organization, the American Ship and Commerce Co. Walker and Harriman took the next giant step in 1922, setting up their European headquarters office in Berlin. With the aid of the Hamburg-based Warburg bank, W.A. Harriman & Co. began spreading an investment net over German industry and raw materials. In those interwar years, Prescott Bush made the family fortune which George Bush inherited. He piled up the money from an international project which continued until a new world war, and the action of the U.S. government, intervened to stop him.

We shall examine here the alliance of the Bush family with three other families: Farish, Draper and Gray. The private associations among these families have led to the President’s relationship to his closest, most confidential advisers. These alliances were forged in the earlier Hitler project and its immediate aftermath. Understanding them will help us to explain George Bush’s obsession with the supposed over-population of the world’s non-Anglo-Saxons, and the dangerous means he has adopted to deal with this “ problem. ”. On March 25, 1942, U.S. Assistant Attorney General Thurman Arnold announced that William Stamps Farish (grandfather of the President’s money manager) had pled “ no contest ” to charges of criminal conspiracy with the Nazis. Farish was the principal manager of a worldwide cartel between Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey and the I.G. Farben concern. The merged enterprise had opened the Auschwitz slave labor camp on June 14, 1940, to produce artificial rubber and gasoline from coal. The Hitler government supplied political opponents and Jews as the slaves, who were worked to near death and then murdered. After pleading ” no contest ” to charges of criminal conspiracy with the Nazis, William Stamps Farish was fined $5,000. (Similar fines were levied against Standard Oil–$5,000 each for the parent company and for several subsidiaries.) This of course did not interfere with the millions of dollars that Farish had acquired in conjunction with Hitler’s New Order, as a large stockholder, chairman and president of Standard Oil. All the government sought was the use of patents which his company had given to the Nazis–the Auschwitz patents–but had withheld from the U.S. military and industry. Will Farish at 25 years old was a personal aide to Zapata chairman George Bush in Bush’s unsuccessful 1964 campaign for Senate. Will Farish used ” that Auschwitz money ” to back George Bush financially, investing in Zapata. When Bush was elected to Congress in 1966, Farish joined the Zapata board.

When George Bush became U.S. Vice President in 1980, the Farish and Bush family fortunes were again completely, secretly commingled. As we shall see, the old projects were now being revived on a breathtaking scale. The Nazi regime surrendered in May 1945. In July 1945, General Draper was called to Europe by the American military government authorities in Germany. Draper was appointed head of the Economics Division of the U.S. Control Commission. He was assigned to take apart the Nazi corporate cartels. There is an astonishing but perfectly logical rationale to this–Draper knew a lot about the subject! General Draper, who had spent about 15 years financing and managing the dirtiest of the Nazi enterprises, was now authorized to decide who was exposed, who lost and who kept his business, and in practical effect, who was prosecuted for war crimes. Draper and his colleagues demanded that Germany and the world accept the collective guilt of the German people as the explanation for the rise of Hitler’s New Order, and the Nazi war crimes.

After several years of government service (often working directly for Averell Harriman in the North Atlantic Alliance), General Draper was appointed in 1958 chairman of a committee which was to advise President Dwight Eisenhower on the proper course for U.S. military aid to other countries. At that time, Prescott Bush was a U.S. Senator from Connecticut, a confidential friend and golf partner with National Security Director Gordon Gray, and an important golf partner with Dwight Eisenhower as well. Prescott’s old lawyer from the Nazi days, John Foster Dulles, was Secretary of State, and his brother Allen Dulles, formerly of the Schroder bank, was head of the CIA. This friendly environment emboldened General Draper to pull off a stunt with his military aid advisory committee. He changed the subject under study. The following year the Draper committee recommended that the U.S. government react to the supposed threat of the “population explosion ” by formulating plans to depopulate the poorer countries. The growth of the world’s non-white population, he proposed, should be regarded as dangerous to the national security of the United States! President Eisenhower rejected the recommendation. But in the next decade, General Draper founded the “Population Crisis Committee ” and the Draper Fund, joining with the Rockefeller and Du Pont families to promote eugenics as “population control.” The administration of President Lyndon Johnson, advised by General Draper on the subject, began financing birth control in the tropical countries through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). General Draper was George Bush’s guru on the population question. But there was also Draper’s money–from that uniquely horrible source–and Draper’s connections on Wall Street and abroad. Draper’s son and heir, William H. Draper III, was co-chairman for finance (chief of fundraising) of the Bush-for-President national campaign organization in 1980. With George Bush in the White House, the younger Draper heads up the depopulation activities of the United Nations throughout the world. In 1950 and 1951, John Foster Dulles, then chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation, led John D. Rockefeller III on a series of world tours, focusing on the need to stop the expansion of the non-white populations.

In November 1952, Dulles and Rockefeller set up the Population Council, with tens of millions of dollars from the Rockefeller family. In 1988, the U.S. Agency for International Development signed its latest contract with the old Sterilization League (a.k.a. Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception), committing the U.S. government to spend $80 million over five years. Having gotten away with sterilizing several hundred North Carolina school children, not usually less than eight to ten years old, the identical group is now authorized by President Bush to do it to 58 countries in Asia, Africa and Ibero-America. The group modestly claims it has directly sterilized only two million people, with 87 percent of the bill paid by U.S. taxpayers. Evidence to clarify any role the polio vaccine played in the AIDS epidemic is being sought by the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia, which made the vaccine more than 40 years ago.

We couldn’t clean up the adeno virus vaccine seed stocks grown in monkey kidney cells. The seed stocks apparently were always contaminated but the vaccines were still administered. [The supplier of these contaminated monkeys from at least 1962 to the mid 1970s was Litton Bionetics, a top U.S. Army biological weapons contractor. Dr. Hilleman was the chief investigator overseeing the Merck contract to develop the hepatitis B vaccine that appears to have most plausibly initiated the AIDS epidemic. Merck’s President, George W. Merck, was an America’s biological weapon industry director personally appointed by President Roosevelt following WWII. Merck and Company, Inc. also is infamous for having received a large infusion of cash around the same time to secure a virtual monopoly over the chemical and pharmaceutical industries by Martin Bormann, Hitler’s top financial officer for the Third Reich. (See: “Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile” by the reputable CBS News correspondent Paul Manning published by Lyle Stuart Inc., 1981, pp. 29, 56 and134). According to Manning, Merck along with Germany’s leading industrial organization–I.G. Farben (a Rockefeller Standard Oil partner)– received the money to help actualise Hitler’s proclaimed “vision of a thousand-year Third Reich [and] world empire. This was outlined with clarity in a document call ‘Neuordunung,’ or ‘New Order,’ that was accompanied by a letter of transmittal to the [Bormann led] Ministry of Economics. It declared that a new order for the chemical [and pharmaceutical] industry of the world should supplement Hitler’s New Order (pg. 56) . . .. ‘Bury your treasure,’” Hitler advised Bormann, “for you will need it to begin a Fourth Reich.” According to Manning’s report, that is precisely what Bormann did “when he set in motion the ‘flight capital’ scheme August 10, 1944, in Strasbourg. The treasure, the golden ring, he envisioned for the new Germany was the sophisticated distribution of national and corporate assets to safe havens . . .” such as Merck.]

And the beat goes on… look at what the criminal element in government is up to now.
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our union and have respected their promise of discretion for almost four decades…it would not have been possible to develop our world project if we had been subjected to the full fire of publicity all these years. The supranational sovereignty of an international elite and of world bankers is surely preferable to the self-determination which has been practised for centuries past.”

David Rockerfeller at a re-union of The Bilderberg Group (where politicians get their orders from bankers) The Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission (on which banks and governments meet) at Sand, Germany in June 1996.
Evil forces have always been present in the world since it was introduced by God in the Garden of Eden. God has a purpose for evil and will let it collapse under its own corruption. Read The Eliyah Message


Absolute Power

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It’s said that over time career politcians imbue the nation with their personalities and priorities, for good or ill. If that’s true, it could help explain the small-minded mean-spiritedness that seems to be pervading the behavior of the United States these days, both at home and abroad.

Public service is a brief civic duty, not a career. Never re-elect anyone. Tenure Corrupts

War Is A Racket... Part 1


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“Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear - kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor - with the cry of grave national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil at home or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it by furnishing the exorbitant funds demanded. Yet, in retrospect, these disasters seem never to have happened, seem never to have been quite real.” ―Douglas MacArthur

In 1957. As quoted in "Merchants of Fear: Why They Want Us to Be Afraid", Christopher Catherwood, Joseph DiVanna, Globe Pequot, 2008,

War is a racket. Very few wars are fought for ‘freedom’ or to ’spread democracy’. And if you think democracy is something fine and good, you have been brainwashed, programmed, and indoctrinated, with ANTI-AMERICAN propaganda. If you think it’s good that American and British lives and property are being used to spread democracy, your ancestors are spinning in their graves. For the full story, read my blog, Why Americans Have No Rights.

Wars are fought for profit… someone, or some corporation, makes a lot of money selling weapons to both sides, and controling the assets of the targeted ‘enemy’. Most people get along just fine until a criminal element in and out of government decide to go to war. These warmongers know that people will not support a war for territory or natural resources. Here’s how the scam works. First, they covet something the other country has that they want to control. If they can’t make a deal with that country, they buy some politicians (and they’re a dime a dozen) to start a propaganda campaign against that country. Does “Gulf War I” ring a bell? After they drum up enough support they provoke, or create, an incident to make the people angry enough to fight.

The Twin Towers Story

It worked in Spanish American War... “Remember the Maine”, WWI was billed as the "war to end all wars", WW II… “Pearl Harbor”, and it worked again, September 11, 2001… the “9/11″ tragedy. If one will recall, the United States and Great Britain supported Saddam in the Iraq/Iran War for eight years. In return for that support, they expected Saddam to sell control of Iraqi oil fields to Standard oil and British Petroleum. When Saddam reneged on the deal, he became enemy number one. Then the criminal element in government made sure the people would support a “War on Terror” with an ”attack”, and the ‘bought’ politicians invaded Iraq and Afghanistan… where it just so happens Big Oil wants to build an oil pipe line to a seaport in Iraq.

The United States, and its British ally, has been fighting this “War on Terror” for longer than it took to win WW II… with no peaceful end in sight. The world is a much more dangerous place, but the warmongers and their friends are much richer. Saddam is dead, and dead men tell no tales. The designated ‘boogey-man’, Bin Laden, is probably a CIA spook and living large somewhere on the French riveria. He shows up just long enough to make another propaganda video. The government hasn’t made any progress in locating this “terrorist”, have they? Why is that? Typically, when someone commits a crime and the government wants to prove the fact, an indictment is written up, evidence is presented and the alleged perpetrator is formally charged with a crime.

Fast forward to the year 2011, Ben Laden was supposedly killed in a super secret raid by Navy Seals. Now the warmongers have a new boogy-man...the beat goes on.

The Bush gangsters have jailed and tortured thousands, invaded Afghanistan, and destroyed Iraqi society resulting in the deaths of over 600,000 civilians since 2003 - but they still have not gotten around to indicting or even formally seeking Osama bin Laden's arrest in connection with the 9/11 attacks.

The "War on Terror" is a cash-cow for contractors.

And, now if anyone exposes these warmongers, they become a target, or they are called "nut cases".

War Is A Racket... Part 2

Source: Documented in the book, War Is A Racket, by Major General Smedley D. Butler, USMC [Retired]

Why Paper Money Represents Theft

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by Mark R. Rushdoony

Every hour of every day the government is stealing your wealth, and, like a good thief, is never suspected. It does it by creating paper (or digital) money and spending it, just like a counterfeiter.

Scripture demands just weights and measures (Lev.19:35–36; Deut. 25:13–15). Obviously, a butcher who holds his finger on the scale when he weighs meat violates this requirement. However, this demand is also a reference to money, which was then also by weight of gold and silver and was counterfeited by adding impurities to it so that its weight was unjust. Tampering with scales or the money that measured wealth in economic transactions was called “unrighteousness” (Lev.19:35) because it was theft. Isaiah condemned Jerusalem for its sin. It had become a city of murderers, thieves, and bribe-takers, and , as Isaiah said, their “silver is become dross, thy wine mixed with water” (Isa. 1:22). In other words, Jerusalem was a place where you were going to get clipped.

Melting worthless metals into precious ones, however, is cumbersome. Today’s unjust monetary weights are represented by paper money issued by the government. Increasingly, paper is eliminated and money is created digitally in a computer. Click, and dollars appear because the Federal Reserve System so commands. The government spends these artificial dollars at full value; it is only after they circulate that the increased circulation causes market forces to realize there is more money chasing the same amount of goods. The result is higher prices, reflecting the fact that all money is now worth a little less. Paper inflation is like adding water to wine; the wine becomes less valuable, not more.

Paper money works in the same manner as counterfeiting; only governments allow themselves the exclusive right to inflate the money supply. It still represents a morally lawless money because it is an artificial money, an unjust, unrighteous weight (really no weight at all). Inflation is the government creating spending power by “watering down” the money supply.

Paper money is the greatest single means of government control of wealth. We measure our economy, in fact, in terms of the government’s success in manipulating the flow of money. We watch the Federal Reserve to see if they can maintain a balance between recession and inflation. The health of our economy is increasingly measured in terms of government management, not in terms of productivity, savings, or capital. In reality, an economy that demands government management is already a troubled one.

Critics of hard (gold, silver) money note these are commodities that can fluctuate in value. They can vary in an open market, but paper money always varies and does so in a consistently downward trend. Money represents wealth, and government-inflated paper dollars are a manipulated sliding scale of wealth. How much has our scale slid? It is estimated that if you had held on to a 1934 paper dollar, its spending power today would be the equivalent of five 1934 cents!

We usually realize the tenuous nature of our money’s value. We scramble to avoid holding paper. We put paper money into tangibles we hope will increase in real value faster than paper dollars will decline. Antiques, art, real estate, and stocks all offer us some hope of outpacing the decline in value of our paper money.

Inflation destroys money, the measure of wealth, and is a poison for a capitalistic economy. Inflation means there is no security to acquired wealth, that we must do more than invest, we must speculate on what will outpace inflation.

Our money represents a counterfeiting government’s theft of our wealth. It is an unjust, that is, an unrighteous, weight that produces an artificial economic atmosphere. Like Jerusalem in Isaiah’s day, our counterfeiting government is ripe for judgment. Because it is unjust, the godly ought not to justify it.

Most of God’s judgments are the inevitable consequences of ignoring His laws. If you jump off a cliff, God does not have to do anything to judge you; His gravity will do the job. In our personal finances, we know that theft and debt will lead to our ruin. Our economy is based on the theft of false measurements and debt. One day it will see a severe correction. It will be a hard one, and the hurt will be universal. Avoid both debt and depending on the value of paper money to protect your wealth, however, and you will come out of it better than most.

Rev. Mark R. Rushdoony is president of Chalcedon and Ross House Books. He is also editor-in-chief of Faith for All of Life and Chalcedon’s other publications.
Post Script: The word mortgage means “death grip”. It’s the same root word as mortal, mortician, mortuary. The false money system holds every debtor as its salve. The Bible condemns usury, but your 501(c)3 church corporation loves its “tax-exempt” status and will not teach Biblical Christianity, instead they practice a form of Godliness, but deny the power thereof. The blind are truly leading the blind.

U.S.Debt Clock


Divine Law

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by Mike Farris

Many misguided preachers fail to "rightly divide the Word of Truth" by claiming that Colossians 2:13-14 nailed the Law to the cross. That's not what it says at all else Jesus would be a liar because He plainly tells us in Matthew 5:17 to not even think that He came to destroy the Law. Without the Law, there would be no sin... For sin is the transgression of the Law ~ 1 John 3:4

Colossians 2:13-14

And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, having wiped out the [a]handwriting (certificate of debt with its consequences) of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.

The Bible clearly teaches that it is the sin debt that was nailed to the cross, not the Law.

The Divine Law has never been “put away” or “nailed to the cross”. While the Ten Commandments are universally accepted as the highest moral code, there are other God-given laws which define the true standards of health, monetary regulations, taxation, interest, debt, and all other aspects of moral, social and economic conduct of the individual, family, and the nation. We are bound to these laws just as surely as we are bound by the Ten Commandments, or the law of gravity. To the extent that we fail to respect and follow all of God’s laws, personally and nationally, our nation will suffer the curses spelled out in the 28th chapter of the book of Deuteronomy. Read that chapter and compare it with what you see happening in our country, and around the world.

From the internal evidence in the Scriptures, it is shown that the Divine Laws have never been abrogated. Christian believers and their leaders alike fail to understand the various parts of God’s laws. Read my blog: The Levitical Priesthood of Tennessee.

The teaching of God’s laws on all levels is dreadfully lacking today. Pastors, Bible teachers, and every student of political science should study the whole body of the laws of God given in the Scriptures for the benefit of mankind. Although they are frequently mentioned, their application in our daily life is usually ignored and misunderstood. Only the ceremonial rituals carried out by the Levitical priests were “put away”, or “nailed to the cross”.

The DIGEST of the DIVINE LAW by Howard B. Rand was first published in 1943 and points out the fact that we face the rule of law or chaos. It sets forth the justice, equity, and righteousness of the Law of the Lord. When the entire range of Divine jurisprudence is comprehended, and its precepts are obeyed, individual prosperity and national well-being will be the beneficent result.

The 1983 printing in hardcover is still available at the unheard-of low price of $9, plus $4 shipping from Stone Kingdom Ministries. At that price, you can purchase a copy for yourself and your Pastor. Howard Rand was one of the most prolific and knowledgeable authors on Bible subjects during the 20th century. An attorney by training, he was eminently qualified to write on the subject of Divine Law. God blessed Dr. Rand with long life, he was 103 years old at his death. The following is only a partial listing of specific topics covered by the Laws of the Lord.

1. Organization of government
2. Scope of government
3. Qualifications for office-holding
4. Government revenue
5. Legislative enactments
6. Ownership of natural resources
7. Court procedure
8. Standards of values
9. Interest (usury)
10. Lending
11. Indebtedness
12. Private ownership
13. Property rights
14. Taxes
15. Tax exemptions
16. Labor relations
17. Vacations
18. Capital punishment
19. Stealing
20. Imprisonment; restoration
21. Military training
22. Conscription for war
23. Exemption from military service
24. Prohibited foods
25. Sanitation
26. Slavery
27. Kidnapping
28. Penalty for kidnapping
29. Accidental death
30. Compensation for injury… and much more in this 248 page book with full concordant index, and Scriptural index.

Psalm 94:12 says, “Blessed is the man (and women & children) who receive correction, O LORD, and teach them out of THY LAW.” Read all of Psalm 119… it’ll do you good.

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National Anthem of the Kingdom of God

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The Lord is my Shepherd… that’s relationship.
I shall not want.. that’s supply.
He makes me to lie down in green pastures… that’s rest.
He leads me beside still waters… that’s refreshment.
He restores my soul… that’s healing.
He leads me in the paths of righteousness… that’s guidance.
For His name sake… that’s purpose.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death… that’s testing.
I will fear no evil… that’s protection.
For you are with me… that’s faithfulness.
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me… that’s discipline.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies… that’s hope.
You anoint my head with oil… that’s consecration.
My cup is running over… that’s abundance.
Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life… that’s blessing.
And I will dwell in the House of Yahweh forever… that’s security.

As any Bible reader knows, the above is taken from the Psalm 23. The Bible contains the history, promises, and covenants that God made with His servant people, the Israelites (not to be confused with ancient or modern “Jews”. If you do not understand the difference between Israel and Jews, subscribe to Feed My Sheep). Most of the Bible deals with government… how to live in peace with your neighbor, and other nations.

In fulfillment of the promises of God, North America was preserved by God as the final promised land for the re-gathering of the representatives of each of the 13 tribes of Israel. Colonial America had 13 colonies and Canada had 10 provinces and 3 Territories for the double portion blessing of the first born. Reuben was the first born son of Jacob/Israel, but lost his birthright to the sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh. The history of the sons of Israel is well documented, but little believed because it conflicts with the “traditions of men”. The Old Testament was exclusively for physical Israel, the New Testament is inclusive for spiritual Israel... overcomers with God of any ethnicity.

But God doesn’t lie and He doesn’t forget what He promised to the descendants of Jacob/Israel. One of the promises was to give them His divine Law to live by. Today, the American legal system doesn’t even recognize divine Law. There is only human law which covers everything from buckling your seat belt to murder.

Today, Christians restrict God’s rule to just the spiritual realm. It has not always been this way. Less than a hundred years ago it was commonly believed that God’s Law encompassed everything… spiritual and temporal. Terrible and bloody conflicts like World War I (1914-1918) caused people to question this belief in God’s rule on earth.

Because of death and destruction caused by disease and wars, people began to believe that God really doesn’t care, or He ‘allows’ evil. Their blind Pastors began to ignore scriptures like Isaiah 45:7… “I (God) form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create EVIL: I the LORD do all these things.” And Amos 3:6…”shall there be EVIL in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?”

Christians began to doubt the power and sovereignty of God and began to believe in fables. They believed that God is “good” and Satan is “evil”, and poor old God just can’t control the Devil. No wonder Christianity has fallen on hard times. Without faith that God is the “doer” of it all, it becomes a tug of war between God and Satan, and Satan seems to be winning. The truth is: God IS sovereign and can do anything, anytime, and any way He chooses. Who is puny man to question the superior wisdom of Almighty God?

As for me, I pledge allegiance to the Kingdom of God, and to the King of creation; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in all.

Author's note: What part of ALL is there not to understand?

National Anthem of the Kingdom of God


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