Wednesday, December 18, 2019


Image result for evolution images"

Charles Robert Darwin, 1809 - 1882,  FRS FRGS FLS FZS was an English naturalist, geologist and biologist, best known for his contributions to the "science" of evolution (a principle formed as an attempt to explain things).. His proposition that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestors is now widely accepted, and considered a foundational concept in science.

If "the scientific theory of evolution" is true science, I'd like to know how evolution knew when to start and when to stop, how did evolution know to create water, air, food, and light in just the right amount to sustain life? Can there an effect without a Cause? Can there be a creature without a Creator?

These are questions that are addressed in the text of the Bible. Since DNA was unknown to Darwin, his hypothesis (a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence) was based on a false premise. Today's scientists are without excuse. Which takes more faith... to believe in evolution or to believe in a Creator? 
Science is the study of the natural world through observation and experiment. A scientific explanation uses observations and measurements to explain something we see in the natural world. Scientific explanations should match the evidence and be logical, or they should at least match as much of the evidence as possible.
The "young earth" theory is also incorrect. The truth is we don't know how old the earth is based on the Bible or science. What we do know from the Bible is there are Earth Ages

True science observes and confirms the creation of the natural world based on evidence. There is no evidence that everything came from nothing. On the other hand, faith is the substance (that which has a firm foundation) of things hoped for, the evidence (tested and proven) of things not seen. ~ Hebrews 11:1

God is tested and proven... unchanging, logical. We can set our clocks by the sun, we can print calendars years in advance because we know creation is reliable. Science changes when new evidence of the natural world God created is discovered. Example: radio, television, and cell phone sound waves were always here from the beginning of creation, but it took "science" thousands of years to discover it and make it useful. Prayer is the original wireless communication system and it still works today.

Mankind is always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. ~2 Timothy 3:7 

This Is For You "Logical" Thinkers

Asking if God is real is like asking is the wind real. You can't see the wind or know where it comes from, but you know wind is real because you can feel and see the power of wind. Likewise, you can see the exquisite design of nature and know for certain there is a Creator. The cell phone you use is proof positive there's a cell phone maker. Stuff doesn't just happen, use your logical brain. Yeah, well where did God come from? We don't know, our brain is not that big.

If would like to know more about how and why God created the universe, go the Book of Beginning

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Science and The Bible

Science Says That We Need At 
Least 4 Basic Elements to Survive.
1. Water
2. Air
3. Food
4. Light
And Look What The Bible Tells Us About Jesus.
1. I AM The Living Water
2. I AM The Breath of Life
3. I AM The Bread of Life
4. I AM The Light of The World
Science is Right, We Need Jesus To Live!

You are cordially invited to join Renew Your Strength Bible Study Group


Saturday, November 2, 2019

Environmental Disasters

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A lie doesn't become truth, wrong doesn't become right, and evil doesn't become good, just because it's accepted by a majority. ~Booker T. Washington

Here's a list of the worst environmental disasters in recorded history.

Guess what? The earth is still here. The human race is still here. Plants and animals are still here. The sun still raises and sets every day. The four seasons still change right on time every year.

"The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness,The world and those who dwell therein".  ~ Psalm 24:1

Know why? Because the Creator-God is still in charge. Can mankind be better stewards of the environment? Absolutely! It's our duty. But God will not allow the earth to be destroyed by puny man.

So-called "climate change" is just another attempt by the enemies of God to plunder the people of the world. Do not allow the Chicken Little Syndrome (A children’s fable about a young chick who, in the traditional version, believes the sky is falling after an acorn hits her head) to weaken your faith in God's love, wisdom, and mercy. Read His letter to you.
You are cordially invited to join Renew Your Strength Bible Study Group

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Mother of Harlots

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The Roman Catholic Church and Her Protestant Harlot Daughters Reveled in Scripture
The Old Testament portion of the Bible never mentions the word  "church," it is always congregation or assembly of the people of God.

Church translated from the Greek word ekklesia first appears in the English Bible in Matthews 16:18. The Greek words kaleo (to call), with the prefix ek (out). Thus, the word means "the called out ones." However, the English word "church" does not come from ekklesia but from the word kuriakon, which means "dedicated to the Lord."

Roman Catholicism was never a "church"...  it is, and always has been, a counterfeit organization disguised as a church.

The Revelation of Jesus Christ as Recorded by John the Apostle ~ Revelation 17

The Scarlet Woman and the Scarlet Beast

Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me, saying to me, “Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters, with whom the kings (governments) of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication.” (The Roman Church is responsible for most of the false doctrines taught by her harlot daughters in Churchanity)

So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. And on her forehead a name was written:


I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement.

The Meaning of the Woman and the Beast

But the angel said to me, “Why did you marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and the ten horns. The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to perdition. And those who dwell on the earth will marvel, whose names are not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
“Here is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits (The title seven mountains refers to Rome, which was literally founded on seven hills). There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come. And when he comes, he must continue a short time. The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition.

“The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast. These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.”

Then he said to me, “The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples, (the sea of humanity) multitudes, nations, and tongues. And the ten horns which you saw on the beast, these will hate the harlot, make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire. For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled. And the woman whom you saw is that great city (The Vatican) which reigns over the kings (governments) of the earth.”

Secular History

After the fall of the Roman empire in the fifth century, the Catholic Church appeared as the new dominant power of Europe. Like the Romans they had their capital in Rome and they had their own emperor – the Pope.
The power of the Catholic Church lay in their perceived status as the gatekeepers to heaven. Cross them in any way, shape or form and you could find yourself barred from the gates of paradise.
This could apply to anyone from the poorest peasant to the most powerful King.

For the average person the Catholic Church was an all-consuming presence. For starters every peasant had to give up a portion of their weekly work to labor on church land for free.
As if this wasn’t enough they had to pay 10% of their earnings to the Catholic Church through a tax known as the tithe. Since many peasants couldn’t lay their hands on much cash, this tithe was more often than not paid in grain which was stored in vast barns known as tithe barns.

Considering the subsistence level at which most peasants operated, coming up with this tithe was a constant struggle.

In the Middle Ages almost everyone believed strictly in the doctrines of the Catholic Church, which meant they believed they were either going to heaven or hell when they died.

The Catholic Church turned this to their advantage, finding ways to charge people at every turn. As well as the tithes you would have to pay to be baptized – if you weren’t baptized you couldn’t be buried on Church land which in turn meant you’d be unable to pass through the gates of heaven.

Perhaps the most famous instance of medieval church profiteering was the sale of indulgences, papers which declared absolution from sins even those not yet committed.

For all the wealth they accumulated, the Catholic Church paid no taxes, which gave them economic power surpassing even the wealth of some monarchs.
Bishops and Clergy owed their allegiance not to their King but to the Pope in Rome which led to more than a few conflicts over the years.
Even Kings and Queens were meant to subject themselves to papal authority and those who did not risked attracting the wrath of the Church.

The size, wealth and power of the Catholic Church led to increasingly great corruption in the course of the middle ages... and continues to this day.
In response to this corruption dissent arose eventually around the 16th century with German priest Martin Luther. However, most of the false doctrines and Catholic traditions were retained by protestant denominations.

That's why Jesus told John to record this information so Christians with "ears to hear, and eyes to see" would know who is the Mother of Harlots... and her Protestant harlot daughters.

You are cordially invited to join Renew Your Strength Bible Study Group


The purpose of this post is to get people to think about what they believe and why they believe it, not debate who's right or wrong. To learn the revealed truth of God we must know and understand the true meaning of the words God inspired to be written. Use Strong's Concordance to check the original word before it was translated. Do your own research, make up your own mind, rely on the Holy Spirit to guide you.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Bible in Stone

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God signifies His Truth consistently in different media so even a fool should not err therein. He displayed It first in the stars, erected It as the Great Pyramid, gave It to Moses on tablets of stone, and then had it transcribed in paper and ink we call the Bible.

Our topic today is the Great Pyramid at Giza.

Our text is Jeremiah 32:20, "God has set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, even unto this day, and in Israel, and among other men; and has made Himself a Name, as at this day".

The Bible is the Book of Life, the Book of Redemption for Adam's race and the Title Deed to the inheritance for all the families (races) which mankind forfeited. It tells how God redeemed the saints in each Age, from the first couple in Eden to the 144,000 elect Israelites, and how at the White Throne Judgment we will judge the world by Christ, granting the different groups of the "saved" into eternal Life, and teaching the lost the true Gospel of the Kingdom.

The Bible is the story of God changing His Form from the eternal Holy Spirit alone with His thoughts to the manifestation of those thoughts in the glorified flesh of His family. It is fitting that we see this represented in the Great Pyramid. Its missing capstone represents the rejected Christ and His rejected end-time Bride who will be under pre-eminence as He was, to manifest the Sons of God. It's open coffer signifies He is risen, and the various passageways and chambers explain the story able minds of mathematicians and intellectuals have sought for centuries to understand.

The word "god" means "object of worship" and Jesus has told us that to be pleasing and acceptable to God, we must worship Him in spirit and in Truth. That is, whole heartedly by revelation, having the mind that was in Christ in us. For true worship is not singing and shouting "Hallelujah's," but having the Token Life of Christ on display all the time. Our lives are to be written epistles of the PRESENT Truth, read and known by all men. So we can only worship or serve God as we understand His Word. And He made the way.

As a result of Eve's deception and swift redemption by Adam, the human race was separated from God's Presence. But He provided a way of return past the cherubim in the East guarding the Altar with a flaming sword, through the shed blood of an innocent Kinsman Redeemer. It was illustrated in the heavenly archetype after which Moses patterned the Tabernacle and Solomon built the Temple, whose instructive architecture and furnishings reveal the three steps of grace replicated in the Revelation of Jesus Christ and manifest in new birth that restores us into His Presence. Our labours ended, we enter His rest in the Holy of Holies adorned with cherubim, palm trees, open flowers, blue, purple and scarlet, emblematic of our restoration to Edenic paradise.

The Great Pyramid was constructed of granite overlaid with 144,000 white limestone slabs cut to optical precision. The joints are consistently one fiftieth of an inch, that's about as thick as five pages of your Bible, but the cement was probably used as a lubricant to slide the blocks into position. None of these highly polished stones weigh less than a ton. 

Long ago those beautiful protective stones were carried away as the 144,000 Israelites, who will be the Bride's servants, were dispersed. But Matthew 24:31 says, "He shall send his angels (the two witnesses of Zechariah 4 and Revelation 11) with a great sound of a Trumpet, (the Seventh Trump of I Corinthians 15:52 and I Thessalonians 4:16) and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other." Revelation 7:4, "I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel."

Revelation 21:10-13, 15-17, "He carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me that great [pyramidal] city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, having the glory of God: and her Light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal; and had a wall great and high, and had TWELVE GATES, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the TWELVE TRIBES of the children of Israel: On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates. . . And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof. And the city lies foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal. And he measured the wall thereof, 144,000 cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel."

There we are, back at our symbolic Great Pyramid. The photograph illustrates some remaining outer limestone casing.

According to Dr. Joseph Seiss, "It has been ascertained and clearly demonstrated that there is in the measures, pointings, form, and features of that great primeval monument . . . a massive and indestructible stone memorial of a complete and faultless knowledge of the structure of the universe, of the exact and physical sciences both terrestrial and cosmical, a determination of a perfect system of weights and measures scientifically conformed to what the Opifex Mundi (Creator of the World) fixed in things when he fetched a compass round the worlds and weighed the hills in balances. Scientific investigation on the part of different men competent to the task have made it clear that there is built into that edifice a record of the heavens at the time of its erection which gives its age by astronomy in full accord with all external indications and evidences; also a record of the size, form and weight of the earth and its relation to and distance from the sun, the true length of the solar year, the number of years in the precessional cycle, the average temperature of the habitable world, together with the multitudinous cosmical facts and mathematical formulas and proportions no better told by sciences now existing among men" (Joseph Seiss, Gospel in the Stars, p. 175).

The Great Pyramid is God's Absolute Witness that preserves a great wealth of knowledge for the generations born after the Flood. For instance, the constant pi, which more than a thousand years after the Flood the Egyptians did not know. It reveals the shape of the earth, its size and distance from the sun and that the Poles were flattened. None of the later pyramids reveal such perfection of mathematical and architectural skills as The Great Pyramid.


The builder of the Great Pyramid had a more sophisticated understanding of atomic theory than we have today, and by changing polarity were able to levitate mass so as to eliminate friction so that men or animals could guide perfect masonry to the top of the structure via ramps. There one man might levitate and accurately position their immense mass and weight according to the plans. 

Altogether there are 80 pyramids in Egypt, 100 in the Sudan, still more in China, South America, and even in Australia. The most famous in Egypt are the step, "bent" and Great Pyramids. It is commonly held that these pyramids illustrate an evolution in engineering sophistication. Scientific knowledge encoded in the Great Pyramid has only begun to be fully understood in the past two centuries.

Before the Eiffel Tower, the Great Pyramid was the world's tallest building. It stands 481 feet and its masonry is twice the volume and thirty times the mass of the Empire State Building. It covers 13 acres, an area large enough to hold the cathedrals of Florence, Milan and St. Peters, as well as St. Paul's and Westminster Abbey. It measures 756 feet along each side at the base and is estimated to have contained 2,300,000 blocks of stone. The largest measure 30 feet in length, and weigh 880 tons. All of its stones laid end to end would stretch two-thirds of the way around the equator.

While being the oldest structure, the Great Pyramid is the most accurately oriented, its sides being aligned true North, South, East and West with such accuracy navigators can swung a compass. The Great Pyramid is only three minutes deviant, and Raymond Capt claims this is due mainly to subsidence. Modern man's best effort, the Paris Observatory, is six minutes off true north. Architects and engineers who have studied the Pyramid's structure contend we could not build it today, indicating man is in a state of entropy.

Dr. Seiss and others have shown that the Pyramid lies in the center of gravity of the continents, dividing earth's land mass into approximately equal quarters. The north-south axis (31 degrees East of Greenwich) is the longest land meridian, and the east-west axis (30 degrees North) is the longest land parallel on the globe. The only place where these lines of the terrestrial earth can intersect is at the Great Pyramid. Enoch its builder possessed an advanced knowledge of earth's geography, and he knew the size, shape and position of each of the continents and was accustomed to thinking on a global scale. The "pyramid is so geographically set in the center of the earth, till there's never a shadow around it no matter where the sun is" (William Branham, Perseverant 62-0729).

Of course at sunset the Great Pyramid does cast a shadow, but not on its own sides which are slightly convex. Each side represents a segment of the Northern Hemisphere, or a quadrant of 90 degrees. Its apex corresponds to the North Pole, and its perimeter to the equator in perfect scale.

Isaiah 19:19-20 says, "In THAT DAY there will be an ALTAR to the LORD in the MIDST of the land of Egypt, and a PILLAR at the BORDER thereof to the Lord. And IT shall be a SIGN and a WITNESS to the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt: for they shall cry to the Lord because of the oppressors, and He will send them a Savior, and a Great One and He shall deliver them".

The Great Pyramid will be standing "in that day," when the Seventh Trumpet announces the great and dreadful day of the Lord and two prophets go forth to introduce the parousia (second coming) of Israel's Savior Who will deliver them according to their faith. The word "IT" conveys the idea that the "altar" and "pillar" are one and the same object.

The Great Pyramid is located at Giza, which means "BORDER," on the border of Upper and Lower Egypt, and stands at the geographical center or MIDST of Egypt, defining the segment of a circle around the Nile Delta subtended by diagonal lines extending northwest and northeast.

The Pyramid is certainly a "PILLAR" as the text requires, and also an "ALTAR" in the sense of being a witness to the Lord. Joshua 22:26-27 "Let us now prepare to build us an ALTAR, not for burnt offering, nor for sacrifice: But that it may be a WITNESS between us, and you, and our generations after us, that we might do the service of the Lord before Him . . ."

The gematria (numerical value of a name or word) of Isaiah 19:19-20 also identifies the Great Pyramid as God's special revelation. Gematria is the science of finding meaning in the numerical value of words and was used by Ivan Panin and others to demonstrate the Supernatural inspiration of Holy writ. Having no numerals, the Hebrews designated the letters of their alphabet with a numerical value. Thus every word has the numerical value of the sum of the value of its letters. The sum of the value of all Hebrew characters in these verses is 5449, the height in inches of the Great Pyramid!

In Job 38:4-7, Earth is compared to a building. "Where were you when I laid the FOUNDATIONS of the Earth? Declare, if you have understanding. Who laid the MEASURES thereof, if you knowest? Or who stretched the LINE upon it? Whereupon are the FOUNDATIONS thereof fastened? Or who laid the CORNER STONE thereof; when the MORNING STARS sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?"

Job well knew that the Earth spins on its axis in its orbit around the sun and has no foundations (Job 26:7). However the Earth was represented in the mathematics of the Great Pyramid which IS built upon four foundation stones. The Pyramid HAS a Capstone or chief corner-stone, but it was not until Brother Branham introduced the Capstone in 1963 that "the Sons of God Shouted for Joy."

Revelation 5:8-12, "And when Jesus had taken the Book, the four beasts and twenty-four Elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odors, which are the prayers of saints. And they sung a new song, saying, 'You are worthy to take the Book, and to open the Seven Seals: for You were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; and have made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth'."

"And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne (these are the Sons of God), and the Living Creatures and the Elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands; saying with a loud voice, 'Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing'."

Like all Scripture, the Great Pyramid has a compound revelation. In the natural it represents God's footstool, this earth. In the Spiritual it is His future dwelling place and throne in His elect.

Ephesians 2:20-22, "We are built upon the FOUNDATION OF THE APOSTLES AND PROPHETS, Jesus Christ Himself being the CHIEF CORNER-STONE; In whom all the building fitly framed together grows unto a HOLY TEMPLE in the Lord: In whom we also are builded together for an HABITATION OF GOD through the Spirit."

Only the pyramid can represent God manifested in the saints of all Ages, the New Jerusalem. No other architectural form has a "chief corner stone" which is reproduced by the building it completes as the Bride reproduces Christ. "All God was He poured into Christ, and all Christ was He poured into His Church" (John 17:20-23). Being five-sided, it has no place in the building but as the chief corner-stone or Capstone to whose angles the whole building is fitly joined together.

Israel rejected that Stone for which they could recognize no place until the building was completed. He became a "Stone of stumbling and a Rock of offense" to them (I Peter 2:7-8; Romans 9:32-33). The capstone of a pyramid has five sides and five corners, the chief of which always points heavenward. Anyone falling upon it would be "broken" or injured, and were it to fall on anyone, it would grind him to powder (Matthew 21:42-44).

"The Stone which the builders refused is become the Head Stone of the Corner" (Psalm 118:22). Soon the Building will be completed and God will send two prophets to "turn away ungodliness from Jacob" by introducing the Capstone and the Building, his King and Queen, and change his name to Israel (the name "Israel" means overcomer with the Might One, thus all overcomers shall be saved). Romans 11:26

God's first Bible is written in the stars. Genesis 1:14-18 informs us the sun, moon and their offspring, the stars, are for signs warning us of things to come and for instruction how we must walk in Light and not be confused by the secret things of the darkness that surrounds them. Check the Hebrew. Isaiah 40:26 and Psalms 147:4 inform us they were named by God Himself. Read these verses.

Job 26:13, "By His Spirit He has garnished (or decorated with a summons and warning) the heavens; His hand has formed the crooked serpent." Job 38:31-33, "Can you bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? Can you bring forth Mazzaroth (the Zodiac) in his season? Or can you guide Arcturus with his sons? Do you know the ordinances of heaven? Can you set the dominion thereof in the earth?" The silent summons and warning of the stars witness to all the world (Psalm 19:1-4).

Paul taught that the stars silently witness God's Attributes and expectations, declaring His glory. Romans 1:18-20, "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is made evident in their consciousness; for God has shown It to them. From the creation of the world His invisible character and nature have been clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse."

Adam was endued with innate science which was passed down to Seth, preserved in the Pyramid by Enoch and rekindled on this side of the Flood. This explains how Egypt sprung forth spontaneously as a sophisticated civilization.

After the Fall, God made known to Adam His purposes concerning the Serpent and its seed, and the woman and her Seed—the Gospel and the mystery of redemption. Nothing of the New Testament is "new." It was all written in the Stars from the beginning of time and revealed to God's holy prophets since the world began. Man is in a state of entropy from the superior being he was created, to the perversion Satan has been developing since the Fall.

Our prophetic forefathers were not primitive ape men. They knew and loved God. They wrote books recording the prophecies and wisdom revealed to them and explained the Gospel in the Stars aeons ago.

Luke 1:67-70, "John's father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost, and prophesied, saying, 'Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he has visited and redeemed His people, (that's Adam's race), And has raised up an horn (or power) of salvation for us in the house of his servant David; As He spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets, WHICH HAVE BEEN SINCE THE WORLD BEGAN'."

Read down to verse 79. Notice Zechariah declared God's redemption an accomplished fact before Messiah was born? The birth of his own son was vindication enough because John was to forerunner Messiah. That's the faith we must have for our own body change from physical to spiritual.
1 Corinthians 15:36-49
Peter rebuked the Israelites for their unimaginable ignorance of the prophetic Word God revealed by His prophets from the beginning of the world. How was it they could fail to recognize when Messiah should come and how He should be crucified by His own people?

Acts 3:17-23, "Brethren, I know that through ignorance you killed Messiah, as did also your rulers. But those things, which God before had shown by the mouth of all His prophets—that Christ should suffer—He has so fulfilled. So repent, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing (the new birth) shall come from the Presence of the Lord; And He shall send Jesus Christ, who before was preached unto you: Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began."

God has had prophets since the beginning of the world and all the prophetic revelation from Adam must be restored before Christ's parousia. This necessitated one final prophetic ministry to Gentiles because the Word of God comes only to a prophet and this man was to restore "all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began." That is, the Fullness of the Word, which IS Christ. His second coming or "parousia".

"For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto Me; him shall you hear in all things whatsoever He shall say unto you. And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people".

Of that forerunner, Jesus said, "Elijah truly shall first come and restore all things spoken by the mouth of all God's holy prophets since the world began" (Matthew 17:11). Hence when Jesus opened the Seventh Seal, "There was silence in heaven." The Fullness of the Word had already gone forth by the mouth of all God's Holy Prophets since the world began. Not one Word could be added to or taken from that which is already perfect. Praise God!

Those who fail to receive the Message will fail to receive Christ. Those who add to the Message will be cast into the tribulation and those who reject and take from it commit the unpardonable sin. (not believing that God is who He says He is and will perform ALL He says He will perform) Romans 1:20

Jude 14-15, "And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him".

And in our day the mystery of God is finished. In other words, His plan of redemption is fulfilled in the restoration of the Fullness of the Word which is the return of God's Presence in Word Form. That's right; we're on our way back to the Garden of Eden. Very soon that Presence will be manifested in the glorified flesh of His saints. Then we will change and be caught up with them to meet our glorified Lord in the first resurrection.

Sanchoniathon and other ancient historians inform us that the seven vowels in the earliest alphabet were "so arranged as to express the places of the seven visible planets in the Zodiac" at the time when the alphabet was completed. The twenty-five letters and the twelve zodiac signs were superimposed, with the vowels unevenly spaced to represent the planetary positions at that time. Thus the alphabet records "an exact notation of the actual condition of the heavens at an ascertainable date, which can occur but once in many thousands of years, and that date is the seventh of September, 3447BC" (Joseph Seiss, Gospel in the Stars, p. 23, 174).

Even if Dr. Seiss is out by a day or two, a finished astronomical science as well as writing was already completely developed in Adam's lifetime and these astronomical facts and chronologies were preserved in the Great Pyramid.

Since Mary's conception by the Word of the Angel when Earth was in Virgo, the first sign of the zodiac, Earth's position in space has moved about 30 degrees or one full sign, so that Leo, the last sign in the zodiac, will take Virgo's position when the Zodiac has traveled its full cycle. This prophecy is recorded in the Sphinx that stands before the Great Pyramid in which the Body of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Church, is united with the Head of the Virgin (and the Capstone of the Pyramid) at the second coming of Christ. The Word sphinx derives from the Greek "sphiggo" which means "to bind closely together" and signifies to Christians the circle begun with Christ's conception by the eternal Word ends by taking the Offspring of that Word back into eternity with Him.

The Great Pyramid has been called "the Bible in stone" because its passageways and chambers reveal geometrically, in line and symbol, the profound spiritual truths of the plan of redemption. Silent geometry reveals a remarkable witness.

One enters the Great Pyramid at the Descending Passage which has an elevation of 26 degrees 18' 9.7", the elevation of the Pole Star, Alpha Draconis, the chief star in the Constellation of the Dragon or Great Serpent at that latitude in 2170BC around the time of the Flood.

The Great Pyramid represents the Earth that now is. It is a perfect prophecy in stone so its Passageways are aligned with heavens which are now. But all who endeavor to unlock its mysteries by measurements based on Earth's present relationship with the heavens cannot hope to obtain correct answers as the pre-Flood year was one of only 360 days.

When earth had its water baptism, the Flood only washed away past sin. Sinful Ham was in the ark with the remnant, so as man entered the post-diluvian world symbolized by the pyramid he was under the Dragon star sign and dominion of Satan, on the Descending Passage and bound for the Pit However, about a quarter of the distance down the Descending Passage we encounter an Ascending Passage, indicating a separation from sin and representing God's dealings with Israel in the Exodus and under the Law until Calvary.

The elevation of this narrow upward passageway is 26 degrees 18' 9.7". The ceiling is so low one must stoop, indicating the Law was based upon works of obedience no man could satisfy.

The Grand Gallery continues upward at the same angle, representing Pentecost and the Seven Church Ages. Its corbelled walls are formed by seven successive overhanging courses of masonry at an elevation of 26 degrees 18' 9.7" so although the way is strait and narrow, it is no longer necessary to stoop.

This is a picture of the Grand Gallery looking back down towards the ascending passage from the Great Step at the top of the climb. Soon after the commencement of the Grand Gallery, we encounter the mouth of an open well. The Well Shaft follows a serpentine passage to the Pit or prison house of the lost, opening part way down into an empty cavern that may represent the dimension called Paradise where the Old Testament saints waited upon their Kinsman Redeemer.

Its covering stone is gone as if violently blown-out from beneath when Paradise emptied-out at His resurrection. Nowadays, the traffic is downward with no return. "Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him" (Hebrews 10:38). Those who commence the journey and draw back in unbelief commit the unforgivable sin.

From the mouth of the Well Shaft, a horizontal passageway leads to the Queen's Chamber which may represent the dimension wherein the Israelite "souls under the (Sacrifice) Altar" and other groups of the "saved"—remaining on the Book of Life being justified and sanctified but not filled with the Spirit. These await the general resurrection when they will appeal at the White Throne Judgment. The position of the Queen's Chamber almost directly under the Ante Chamber to the King's Room further identifies it with the "saved" when we extend a time line downwards, for when the Seventh Trumpet sounds, the elect enter the King's Chamber and salvation ends.

The Great Subterranean Chamber is an ominous place of disorder with a pit where Satan is said to be chained a thousand years then loosed for a brief span, and after the Judgment, annihilated with his subjects in the lake of Fire. The passage continues on the far side of the Pit, terminating abruptly in a blind wall, portraying the general resurrection, the white Throne Judgment and the second death from which there is no resurrection. ~Revelation 2:11

Daniel 7:11-12, "I beheld then because of the voice of the great Words which the horn (Rome) spoke: I beheld even till the beast (or Devil-incarnate Pope) was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame. As concerning the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away: yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time." until after the Millennium when they will be resurrected and judged in the bodies in which they had sinned.

The Grand Gallery terminates at a Great Step beyond which, a level floor under a low passageway takes one to the Ante Chamber of the King's Chamber. Known as "Enoch's circle," the Ante Chamber is 10 feet long by 42 inches wide, by 12 feet high. Here we met the Prophet of Malachi 4:5-6 and Revelation 10:7 who stood in the gap or breach after the end of the Laodicean Church Age and Christ's Mediation, but before the revelation of the Seven Seals by which he introduced us to the King (God's Only Provided Place of Worship, p. 33:217). Just before the passageway to the King's Chamber two granite beams cross the chamber, suspended just below the ceiling, one above the other, 52 inches above the floor.

The upper block appears to be broken-off from above and is marked with a half circle that may be a lifting boss or symbol similar to the Egyptian hieroglyph for a loaf of bread which might speak of the second wave offering of the Bride beyond that point but prior to our translation. A circle signifies eternity. Here we are in transition back to Eternity by the three-fold process of the Shout, Voice and Trump of I Thessalonians 4:16. Enoch's circle measures 365.25 inches. Genesis 5:23, "All the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty-five years." Enoch was translated when he was 365 years old. The passage into the King's Chamber is 42 inches high.

The end time commences with revelation of the Seven Seals (Daniel 12:4, 9; Revelation 10:4, 7). Within the Ante Chamber, just before the entrance to the King's Chamber the wall contains grooves for a portcullis whose granite door was lowered to seal the Chamber. Jesus said, "While the foolish virgin went to buy, the Bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with Him to the Marriage; and the door was shut" (Matthew 25:10). As it was in the days of Noah, the door to the King's Chamber, like the door to the ark, will be shut by God from Above (Genesis 7:16).

The floor from the Great Step to the King's Chamber is the same polished red granite from which the King's Chamber is constructed indicating we are walking in the way of the Lord. We're at the top of the pyramid now, coming to maturity, and waiting for the earthquake to call the resurrection of the sleeping saints and the manifestation of the Sons of God. We're in the Ante-Chamber waiting on the King. He's just a little higher in another Dimension faster than our three.

The King's Chamber is situated on the fiftieth level of masonry. Fifty speaks of the Pentecostal Jubilee and of coming into the unity of the apostolic faith for the manifestation of the Sons of God and the translation. Those in the denominational walled cities cannot come out in the Jubilee.

The King's Chamber is so called because it was imagined to have been built to contain the body of the Pharaoh as men supposed that the Queen's Chamber was for her interment. However this Chamber contains only a lidless, empty Coffer cut from one solid block of red granite, unadorned but polished within and without.

sarcofagus from king's chamberThe dimensions of the Holy of Holies match the King's Chamber and the interior capacity of the Coffer matches that of the Ark of the Covenant, indicating only so-many saints are foreknown. The Great Pyramid is an instructive symbol patterned after the same heavenly vision as the tabernacle and Solomon's temple. When the Seventh Trumpet sounds, "The temple of God in heaven will open revealing the Ark [or coffer] of His Testament," signifying God's Presence with Israel. That is, the Lord Jesus Christ will be revealed when the vail is torn from their eyes as the Temple vail was rent.

Mathematicians and scholars have measured the Pyramid to determine past wars and future events, seeing in the infallible mathematical and astrological measurements of the structure a chronography with the scale of an inch for a year. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus asks, "Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?" Or lengthen his years by gaining one cubit of time (Matthew 6:27).

The Greek word for "stature" indicates a measure of time, not a measure of length. Jesus was not giving the formula on how to make NBF stars. I believe we have measured time in this study of the Great Pyramid—but by dispensations rather than dates. I'll stand on the things God has revealed from His third Bible, we have no desire to mix natural, scientific wisdom in the Pyramid with Supernatural application of the prophetic Word. 

The Great Pyramid was built by super human beings prior to the Flood of Noah as a monument to the Living Creator God of the Universal. The Design, Engineering, and Construction Skills are too far advanced for even today's construction companies.

God conceived of the pyramid to preserve the natural wisdom of the ancients safely through the Flood and used it also to signify His incarnation in the glorified form of His saints. "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter". ~Proverbs 25:2

The purpose of this post is to get people to think about what they believe and why they believe it, not debate who's right or wrong. To learn the revealed truth of God we must know and understand the true meaning of the words God inspired to be written. Use Strong's Concordance to check the original word before it was translated. Do your own research, make up your own mind, rely on the Holy Spirit to guide you.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Spirit of Patriotism


If a PATRIOT is defined as a person who loves, supports and defends America and her interests with devotion, how do we begin to develop patriotism?
Since love is the first characteristic of a patriot, we must understand how our Founders developed such heartfelt feelings for America.
As we learn more about their passions, it becomes easier to see how they developed a spirit of patriotism.
Understanding and sharing this spirit with our fellow citizens is crucial because America needs a shot of patriot love right about now… (or maybe a double-shot).
So let’s go back to the beginning.
In the year 2020, we celebrate the 400th anniversary of the Pilgrims’ arrival and disembarkation from the Mayflower onto Plymouth Rock.
It was the Pilgrims who planted the seeds of love in the fertile New England ground that inspired the Founders. They brought their families to start a new society and serve others... including the Indians.
Sadly, very few Americans know how their faith and sacrifice led to the deep, abiding love that is at the core of our nation's founding.
Most Americans I’ve spoken with think they know the true story of the Pilgrims and our country's initial founding in 1620... but they don’t.
It wasn’t until I stepped back in time and walked in the exact places where American history was born, guided by expert historians, did I begin to appreciate the Pilgrims’ experience.
At the end of my note on Patriot Day, September 11th, I mentioned we would be putting action behind ideas to unify Americans and give our citizens a way to understand what it means to be a Patriot.
Plymouth is where we plant the flag to begin our Patriot Journey.
It would be horrible at the end of 2020 to look back and realize we didn’t do all we could to serve our fellow Americans by introducing them to the place where American Patriotism began in 1620.
After recently speaking with Plymouth leaders, PATRIOT MISSION has committed our support, resources and a quick response plan to help ‘America’s Hometown’ promote the 400th Anniversary events in 2020.
Support the American Pilgrimage 400 (AP400)
  • Meet Dr. Paul Jehle, Educational Director of the Plymouth Rock Foundation and Pastor of The New Testament Church 

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Steve Olds
Founder & CEO

Friday, September 20, 2019

What Will You Do?

Do you really know (or care) what Jesus did for you?

For He shall grow up before God as a tender plant, And as a root out of dry ground. He has no form or comeliness; And when we see Him, There is no beauty that we should desire Him. He is despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.

Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted.

But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised (savagely beaten) for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way. ~ Isaiah 53:2-6 
What Will You Do?

Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?”

Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call. ~Acts 2:37-39 

This man, Jesus, volunteered to take the penalty for our sins. Salvation is a precious gift to be accepted with gratitude.
Conversations that were left out of the Bible.

Pontius Pilate: "Joseph, I really don't understand. You're one of the richest men in Judea, and you have spent a small fortune on a burial tomb for you and your family. Why do you want to give it to this man Jesus?"

Joseph: "It's only for 3 days and 3 nights."

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